Category: AgriBusiness

Elevate your agribusiness with innovative solutions. Explore trends, insights, and strategies for sustainable growth in the agricultural industry

close-up photography of fruit

Java Journeys: Exploring Regional Nuances in Coffee Varieties

With the global proliferation of coffee culture, many have embraced the pleasures of enjoying a cup of freshly brewed java. Each region growing its unique varieties leads to subtle nuances in flavor and aroma that can be explored through the wonderful world of coffee.  From Central American richness emphasizing chocolate...


The Delicious Secret to Improved Health: Jowar!

A healthy diet is vital for a healthy lifestyle. We all know that yet finding delicious, nutritious recipes can be tricky. Well, we have a secret to share: Jowar! This versatile grain packs a nutritional punch and is incredibly versatile in the kitchen.  The intensely delicious organic jowar flour is...


Why Is Maeng Da Better Than Green Malay Kratom?

Maeng Da and Malay are two of the most popular kratom strains. Kratom is a Southeast Asian plant. Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, and New Guinea have Mitragyna Speciosa trees growing along riverbanks and deep in the jungle. The Rubiaceous (coffee) family includes this evergreen tree. The alkaloids...

Root Rot Disease

What is Root Rot Disease, and How to control it?

To kill the plants & thereby decrease the actual quantity of the commercial crop, the root rots also can slow/ stop the plant growth & thus suppress the real plant quality. The root-rotted trees generally produce fewer or small leaves, fruit & flowers, less vigorous than the healthy trees of...

pine trees

What Is a Tree Assessment? Importance of Assessing Your Tree?

We cannot survive without trees for even a single second. Trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store a large amount of carbon in their tissues. They provide oxygen to the living organisms on the earth to breathe. Trees provide shelter and shade, wood for heating and cooking, foods...

aloe vera

Aloe Vera: Uses and Health Benefits

Aloe vera’s use can be traced back 6,000 years to early Egypt, where the plant was depicted on stone carvings. Known as the “plant of immortality,” aloe was presented as a burial gift to deceased pharaohs. Native to Northern Africa, Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis Mill., A. vulgaris Lam.) is...

aloe vera

Aloe Vera Production Guide

Aloe (Aloe vera ) is an important and traditional medicinal plant belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is indigenous to Africa and Mediterranean countries. The species does not have any naturally occurring populations, although closely related aloes do occur in northern Africa. However,It is reported to grow wild on islands...


When your food takes good care of you and the soil, too!

While cereals such as rice and corn are the staple food in Asia, legumes are increasing in importance as sources of nutrition for both humans and the soil. With the growing demand for food, especially rice and corn, farmers are prone to resort to monocropping, a farming practice which not...


Corn coffee is the healthy alternative

Majority of Filipinos are coffee drinkers. The growing number of coffee shops in almost every corner of the metro has become the most evident indication that the coffee industry is a thriving business. Whether it’s a form of social activity or simply a favorite pastime, drinking coffee has become an...

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