Category: News Release


Lax security leaves car sharing apps vulnerable to attack

Kaspersky Lab researchers have examined the security of 13 car sharing applications from household manufacturers across the globe – including those from Russia, the US and Europe. The company’s experts discovered that all of the applications contain a number of security issues that can potentially allow criminals to take control...


10 Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy

Massive data breaches, marketers tracking your every step online, shady people exploring the photos you shared in social networks — the list of digital annoyances goes on and on. However, it’s not completely hopeless: You do have control over your data. Here are Kaspersky Lab’s tips to Filipinos on how...


Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation Online Game Aims to Improve Cybersecurity Cooperation in PH Companies

Kaspersky Lab conducted its first Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation Online training (KIPS Online) with the local technology media recently to highlight the importance of teamwork in corporate cybersecurity. KIPS Online is a valuable addition the previously available and highly regarded KIPS Live offline cybersecurity training. Both KIPS Live and KIPS...


Are data breaches stressing you out?

Common wisdom holds that the most stressful things a person might face in life are moving house, getting fired, or going through a divorce. In the grand scheme of things, stress caused by data breaches, password management, and device security shouldn’t factor at all. However, the latest research of cybersecurity...

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