Tagged: metaverse

digital safety

How to Address Digital Safety in the Metaverse?

Metaverse is essentially believed to be the future of social media, and it is no surprise that even though social media has been around for quite some time now, the issues around digital safety continue to be a topic of concern. The metaverse is no exception. The Metaverse is a...

person walking while carrying a camera and paper bags

List of Business Ideas That You Can Start in the Metaverse

The idea of the Metaverse is not new, but it gained popularity thanks to the gaming Metaverses and Facebook’s announcement of building its own virtual world. Although many are skeptical about this idea, it’s impossible not to take into account that many big brands and tech giants are investing in...

virtual reality

Metaverse vs. Virtual Reality – What’s the difference?

Modern technologies have shaken the world with their unbelievable establishments and inventions, from minute cellphones to extensive satellites that perform wonders. The establishments continued progressing, and now the world witnesses even digital currencies. Many firms and platforms like the Bitcoin Trading Platform have greatly benefited from such advancements. The future is the...

Sandra Lee, Managing Director for Asia Pacific region at Kaspersky

Metaverse – everyone wants to be there

Sandra Lee, Managing Director for Asia Pacific region at Kaspersky At the same time, the first NFT restaurant, the Flyfish Club, opened in New York. You need to buy an NFT membership card to get into it. The number of places in the club is limited: the owners have issued...


Metaverse- An opportunity for MSP’s to grow

Metaverse– The term indicates “Meta + Universe = Metaverse” We are listening and have the questions in our mind – “What is Metaverse? What can happen with the introduction of Metaverse and Decentralization of the Internet together?” The diverse forms of technology such as applications, user-generated content, hardware, Cloud Infrastructure,...

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