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How Hyperautomation Can Help You Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

Ever since the emergence of COVID-19, organizations across the globe are continually striving to remain competitive while reducing operational expenses and enhancing productivity. This has led to the acceptance of innovative technology in business operations. Technologies such as IoT, AI, and RPA have significantly enhanced processes across multiple domains leading to widespread adoption and imperative potential. The pandemic has reinforced the digital era and increased digital transformation like never before. Nowadays, every organization, business, or brand has leveraged digitally innovative solutions to improve business performance and customer satisfaction. One such significant technology is Hyperautomation.  There are thousands of organizations across multiple domains that are now focusing on hyperautomation strategies to solve their business challenges and experience greater operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall service excellence.

Hyperautomation technology advances the progress-facilitating insights, platforms, tools, and advanced data that provide businesses long-term sustainability and operational superiority. The innovative blend of traditional BPM solutions with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), low-code development, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) has become the fuel in digital transformation. Combining fundamental data, uniting your workforce with AI, and developing automation solutions with low-code are all examples of Hyperautomation.

With the right technologies, tools, and platforms every business will have the capability to automate operational workflows.  This level of advancement will help organizations streamline internal processes, automate routine tasks, incorporate data, integrate AI algorithms and create impressionable customer experiences and employee satisfaction.

What Is Hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation can be regarded as the extension of traditional intelligent automation that automates business processes beyond the confines of individual processes. By coupling Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), hyperautomation facilitates automation for practically any monotonous task administered by employees or users. It even goes to the extent of industrial automation, dynamically digitalizing the entire process with AI algorithms and smart interactive bots.

With the advancements in technology, newer innovative tools have been developed, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Data Analytics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). Together, these technologies work unanimously to automate not just routine tasks but complex business processes as well.

What are the benefits of Hyperautomation?

We know that Hyperautomation helps organizations automate business operations, but other than just automating processes, hyperautomation makes sure the process is done efficiently and accurately. From automating backend strategies to test automation services, enterprises can leverage hyperautomation in every domain of a business.

  • Gain better operational efficiencies by automating many processes across their business.
  • Optimize employee workflow allocation by making sure repetitive duties are performed consistently and effectively.
  • Enterprises can significantly reduce expenses by utilizing digital technologies to automate tasks that otherwise require manual interference.
  • Improve coordination by presenting more agile, valuable insights for critical decision-making.
  • Create products of greater quality with quicker time to market by leveraging more intelligence, analyzing more data and decreased human error.
  • Enterprises can make more reliable business decisions, recognize domains that need improvement and improve customer satisfaction by analyzing more data and presenting insights on that data.
  • Overcome the specialized expertise required to configure and maintain automation tools and automation solutions.
  • Hyperautomation is particularly beneficial for businesses with traditional operations or basic automation levels. These companies can perceive tangible results through digital process automation and infrastructure automation to improve interaction, activity or performance of business operations.

Other areas where Intelligent Hyperautomation has infinite possibilities.

Accelerating Complex Work

Hyperautomation presents a high-speed journey to interlacing every employee or staff in reconstructing the business, assisted by automating more and more complicated task that relies on information input from people.

Deploying Digital Workers

Upskilling robotic process automation with intelligence builds an exceptional virtual workforce that can be implemented in performing repetitive assignments to increase employee efficiency. These smart bots are the development representatives of hyperautomation, capable of connecting to multiple enterprise applications. They can also perform with both structured as well as unstructured data, interpret data and reach conclusions. The advanced data accumulated can also help enterprises identify processes and unique automation opportunities in business operations.

The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Hyperautomation

The potential and wide use cases of artificial intelligence (AI services) is what significantly separates hyperautomation techniques from conventional automation strategies. This is why robots, automation, and artificial intelligence are the most essential ingredients of hyperautomation. With artificial intelligence integrated data analytics, enterprises can easily uncover and automate earlier inaccessible data and methods.


Automation and hyperautomation can be considered imperative for the complete digital transformation of an enterprise. Only with the implementation of cognitive technologies and high-level languages can enterprises stay relevant in the post COVID-era. Businesses that understood these benefits have already automated their operations and increased return on investment and productivity. Businesses that have not leveraged the true potential of robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, and several other automation technologies must adapt to the new digital world in order to stay not only competitive but also relevant.

Author Bio


Ricky Philip is an industry expert and a professional writer working at ThinkPalm Technologies. He works with a focus on understanding the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, SDN/NFV, cloud analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) services. He is also a contributor to several prominent online publishing platforms such as DZone, HubSpot and Hackernoon.

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