Category: Tips and Tricks

iTunes Error 9

Eliminate iTunes Error 9 Quickly in Easy Steps

“I was trying to restore my iPhone when a notification of iTunes error 9 occurred on the screen and the restoring process stopped. How do I resolve it? “ Have you ever run into this difficulty before? You are restoring or updating your iPhone but all of sudden the iTunes...

top tips chips

Top Tips for the Philippines Casino Players

Online gambling is constantly on the rise in the casino market. It has attracted a large number of people and is thriving successfully. Casinos have heavily regulated their business online as more and more people continue to opt for online gambling from the comfort of their homes.  The Philippines is...

man sitting on chair beside laptop computer and teacup

5 Things Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you have owned several businesses over the years or have very recently established a start-up, it’s unlikely you’ll know every single aspect of the business world. In most cases, success is simply down to trial and error. However, due to the vast competition and risk within this sector, you...

blog summary

How to Write a Perfect Blog Summary?

You may need to write a summary for many purposes like research writing, essay writing or generally summarizing the article for making notes. Summarizing the articles does not mean to add your own opinion in it, it means to write down the most important point of the article, main concept,...

safety tips

Safety Tips: How To Properly Deal With Workplace Risks

Safety is always a concern for employers and employees alike. Unfortunately, safety can often be overlooked in the workplace because it’s not considered an exciting topic to talk about. But safety is something that needs to be discussed more openly. Find out what you need to know about safety in...

Professional Photographs

5 Ideas to Take Professional Photographs

Aerial photography has existed since the middle of the 19th century when photos were taken from flying objects, such as hot air balloons, airplanes, and helicopters. Since then, aerial photography has come a long way. Photography has always been under constant innovation. From pinhole cameras to the new mirrorless sensors,...

Saving a Struggling Business man standing in front of group of men

Pro Tips for Saving a Struggling Business

Right now, lots of businesses are struggling. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted not just small businesses but big, global names, too – showing that no one is invincible. Even those that make millions of profit every year have felt the ramifications of this pandemic. Couple this with the fact that...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas