6 Easy and Affordable Fashion Upgrades for Moms

fashion upgrades
6 Easy and Affordable Fashion Upgrades for Moms 3

Being fashionable is not just about appearance. It’s about feeling good in your skin, taking care of yourself, and even investing in your self-confidence. In other words, it’s something that most moms desperately need. So, what’s the problem?

Well, there’s a reason why some moms find it challenging to keep up with fashion. First of all, keeping up with trends requires time and energy. These are the two resources that moms lack the most. Second, spending too much money on fashion might seem wrong (even if the budget is not that tight). However, the truth is that with determination, there are so many easy and affordable fashion updates that you could implement this very day. With that in mind and without further ado, here are six such suggestions. 

1. Pick the right fit

All clothes are designed to look good; the problem is that human physiques differ so much that there’s no way to make a piece of clothing fit everyone. So, you need to pick an item that’s the right size. The truth is that the right size of apparel makes all the difference in the world. As time goes by, your size and shape change as well, keeping up with this will make you look fashionable even in a casual style. 

Well-tailored clothes will conform to your body’s shape but they will also make you feel more comfortable (aside from getting you more social media followers). This affects your self-esteem and your entire demeanor. Being able to breathe and move naturally in these clothes is incredibly important and may make you appear more aesthetic by default, even without adding a single item.

Also, if the fit is wrong, even the most beautiful color and the pattern will appear wrong. The reason why we put picking the right fit as the first item on the list is that it’s the first thing that you should look for. So, before anything determine your body type and then choose your outfit.

2. More than just clothes

It’s also important that you understand that your makeup and hairstyle are also a part of your style. They can even be a predominant part. Your color of skin, which may be affected by tanning will determine what type of jewelry looks best on you. The style of your apparel should be in-sync with your hairstyle. 

With fashion, it’s a complete impression that you make that counts. So, when planning, always focus on the big picture and avoid assessing details or individual elements as standalone. 

3. New-looking is more important than brand-new

Keep in mind that, other than wearing a piece with a tag still on, no one can guess if the dress that you’re wearing is new or brand-new. This is incredibly important to keep in mind, seeing as how people will make guesses based on what they see. A dress can completely lose its color the first time you wash it or, it can retain it for years.

The same goes for jewelry. According to experts behind Unisonics, a jewelry cleaner can restore the shine of your jewelry far more than you would expect it to. This way, you can make your bracelets, rings, and necklaces look brand new even if they’re family heirlooms. Sure, buying a cleaner is an investment but one that will pay off in time.

4. Combine your outfit

With just 4 bottoms and 20 tops, you can have 80 possible outfit combinations. While this looks great on paper, and even though some bottoms are more universal than others, the truth is that not all combinations make sense or look as good. Now, even if your objective is not to look unique at any cost and if you choose to dismiss as much as 50% of all these outfits (which is a bit extreme but possible), you still get 40 different combinations.

This is a neat trick that you can use while buying clothing items. Just pause for a second to try and come up with several different combinations that you could get with this one piece. Needless to say, this method also gives you a chance to reuse something that you already own. 

5. Plan in advance

The majority of fashion misses are caused by last-minute planning and improvisation. Sure, this can turn out great and a bit of spontaneity is always fun, however, 9 out of 10 times, it’s going to be a miss. So, if you know that you have an event coming, it might be for the best that you plan your fashion combination.

This doesn’t have to be planning for any specific event. You can just come up with some combinations randomly and just note them down. If you find something you like on Instagram or Pinterest, it’s easy to just save/pin it. Then, you can dip into this cache of ideas whenever you’re struggling with inspiration. Overall, it just takes a couple of minutes at a time and the effect may be surprising.

6. Focus on the details

A single necklace, a hat, or a wristband can completely change your outfit. The thing is that some details are so captivating that they immediately serve as a focal point. With that in mind, it’s important to mention that, with the right focus on details, you’ll have an easy job of adding more flair to every single outfit that you own.

Sometimes, you’ll have to think outside of the box. For instance, going for a backpack instead of a bag is generally a good idea for moms. However, it changes some basic parameters. There are several combinations where this can be a huge hit, you just need to think a bit about it.

In conclusion

In the end, each of these methods is quite versatile, which means that you can apply them regardless of your style or the occasion that you plan to attend. Moreover, it’s a time-proof method and it doesn’t rely on any current trends that might change in a couple of years. The sooner you get a grip on this, the better and there’s so much for you to gain by implementing these ideas right away.

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