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5 Tips to Save Money

Saving money is one of the pillars of successful personal finance management. It will set you up for a solid emergency fund, investments, and retirement planning. However, saving can sometimes be challenging because you must balance your income with your expenses. 

How to Save Money

Whether you like it or not, saving is necessary, and we are here to help. Here are five tips to help you save your hard-earned income.

  1. Set goals and priorities

You can only fully measure success if you have concrete goals. Setting goals must be specific, realistic, and divided into the short-term and the long-term. Experts recommend saving at least  of your income, but you can always go higher if possible.

Once you set your goals, you can determine your priorities better. What expenses can you skimp on? Does your budget allow for personal passions? These questions will provide you with clarity. Remember, be realistic with your goals. Slow progress is better than trying to make unrealistic goals happen.

  1. Automate banks transfers

Some people save whatever is left of their income after a pay cycle. This method will not only give you a hard time tracking your financial goals, but it might also tempt you to spend until everything is gone. 

Think of your money as a bill you pay yourself every paycheck. Automate bank transfers for your savings to avoid spending it on unnecessary expenses. 

  1. Reduce discretionary expenses if necessary

There are two types of expenses: mandatory and discretionary. Mandatory expenses cover your basic needs, while discretionary expenses fund your lifestyle.

List all your discretionary expenses and decide which ones to keep and eliminate. You may have subscriptions you are not maximizing or a gym membership you have never availed of because you can work out from home.

In personal finance, it is always good to live within your means, but do not be guilty of indulging in life’s pleasures from time to time. 

  1. Consistently track your expenses.

Many people shy away from tracking their expenses because it is tedious and time-consuming. They also want to avoid confronting their spending. However, self-confrontation is exactly what expense tracking is about. It promotes self-awareness and guides you when going over a designated budget.

Consistent expense tracking may only sometimes feel nice, but it helps put everything in perspective.

  1. Place your money in a high-interest savings account

Investing in assets or businesses is a great way to grow your money. However, if you want to retain your savings value while maintaining easy access, find a trustworthy high-interest savings account. Inflation is an inevitable enemy of every investor. You must preserve your money’s value to maximizing all your savings. 

Save Money, and Money Will Save You 

Whether you like it or not, money will always be a part of life. You may encounter future instances where you wish you had enough to pay for a broken tire, spontaneous trip, or medical emergency. Make your money work for you instead of the other way around. Saving is the first step to financial freedom, and it would be best if you start doing it properly now. 

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