Category: Grow Your Business

video advertising

The Latest Trends in Video Advertising

Who doesn’t love a good video they can watch while they’re on the go? It’s not as glamorous as TV or cinema, but social media and mobile devices have made video one of the hottest trends in advertising. Business owners know they can’t afford to ignore the trends in video...

the image of key metrics for measuring and improving customer satisfaction

Key Metrics for Measuring and Improving Customer Satisfaction

Measuring and improving customer satisfaction is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Understanding the key customer satisfaction metrics is essential for informed decision-making and successful growth strategies. This article will explore the fundamental metrics that business owners need to know to gauge and enhance the customer...

Impress International Customers

How Can Your Online Business Impress International Customers?

Whether starting a new online business or taking your current venture to the next stage, global customers could be your key to success.  Success in overseas markets can completely change the future of your business. From selling information to physical products, you already have the blueprint for success in place....

inspire your employees

Top Tips On How To Inspire Your Employees

As a business owner or manager, it’s important to encourage your employees to perform at their best. Rewarding your staff is essential if you want them to remain motivated and engaged. In turn, they’ll take ownership of their work, contribute innovative ideas, and go above and beyond what’s expected of...

drone videography

How Drone Videography Can Benefit Your Business

One exciting trend that has taken the world of business by storm is drone videography. With its ability to capture stunning aerial footage, drone videography can add a unique dimension to your marketing strategy. Whether you’re looking for an innovative way to showcase your products or services or simply want...

1031 exchange

A Quick Guide to a 1031 Exchange

What if you could sell a business, get cash on the barrel, AND get huge tax savings? In the world of 1031 exchanges, all of that is possible. The Internal Revenue Code allows property investors to perform it on a variety of property types, including businesses, buildings, and more. And...

Product Development for Manufacturing

Important Steps in Product Development for Manufacturing

Creating a new product in today’s rapidly changing industrial environment requires a systematic approach to maximizing the likelihood of that product’s commercial success. Bringing an idea into reality includes working through several critical processes during product development, each of which must be completed in detail. Each stage, beginning with the...

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