Category: News Release


Kaspersky Lab Detects Over 2M Mobile Malware in Q1 2016

Nearly 2-in-10 Filipino Mobile Users Infected with Mobile Malware Cybercriminals continue to improve new techniques to deceive users and their stealthy malware targets not just big organizations but also personal consumers. Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) revealed over two million mobile malware were detected by Kaspersky Lab worldwide in the first...


Impact Hub Manila rolls out expansion of working spaces

With 81 open locations in 40+ countries across 5 regions, Impact Hub continues to dominate the co­working industry as the largest global network of entrepreneurs. Boasting over 15,000 members worldwide, this exciting and vibrant community has proven to be the leader in not just entrepreneurship but impactful collaborations and innovations....


SCI receives funding from Kakao’s investment arm, KVG

Philippine Fintech Startup SCI Closes Seed Round With Investment From K Venture Group, Kakao’s Venture Capital Arm. Manila, Philippines ­ May 9, 2016 ­ KVG (K Venture Group), in its first venture in the Philippines, forges a strategic partnership and invests in SCI (Satoshi Citadel Industries). Aligned with KVG’s vision...


Fighting Ransomware: Kaspersky Lab Saved $53 mln for its Clients in 2015

Kaspersky Lab has announced that in 2015, its solutions protected 443,920 users and corporate customers worldwide from crypto-ransomware, depriving cybercriminals of nearly $53 million in illegal earnings. Crypto-ransomware, and the cybercriminals that use it, can create a lot of trouble for its victims. Once on the device, important files are...


Charging Mobile Devices Could Put Data at Risk

Smartphones can be compromised when charged using a standard USB connection connected to a computer, Kaspersky Lab experts have discovered in a proof-of-concept experiment. The researchers are now evaluating what the impact of such an incident might be. Have you ever wondered how safe your smartphone and data are when...

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