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10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile eCommerce

eCommerce is the trendy buzzword in the realm of the web, and if we genuinely see its growth, it looks like anything is possible for current online business. As of now, it is all about online shopping, and individuals all across the globe are accepting this pattern all the more logically. What’s more, this shopping trend is similarly overwhelming every enterprise. Many A-lister businesses are already embracing this technology by hiring eCommerce app development companies.

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile eCommerce 1

Nowadays, businesses have introduced this and tripled their revenue. It allows businesses to stay connected with their users while persuading them to purchase their services/ products. They are using the feature of push-notification and implementing the latest technology like chatbots. 

You can get a detailed idea about the audience whom you are planning to target. If you plan to develop eCommerce apps for Android users, it is better to hire an Android app developer with an impeccable experience.  

Note: –

Make sure you hire these developers from agencies with relevant experience. These app development companies/ agencies will have experience in working and developing for different niches. Thus, will proficiently handle any challenges. 

1. Customer loyalty

Users who have decided to download your eCommerce apps are already interested in purchasing services/ materials from you. You can further improve customer loyalty by sending rewards, coupons, and vouchers through rewards systems and push notifications. 

2. Convenience

As per the recent trend, users prefer to use the mobile app over the website because it offers a superlative experience, convenience, and mobility. With mobile apps, users can purchase anything from anywhere. For example, a working woman spends their time on the phone while traveling.  They love spending their “ME TIME” shopping. They make use of the handy device. So, this is the best time to invest in an eCommerce app to boost the business’s revenue. 

3. Response time

Speed is one of the major concerns that piss the users while navigating through mobile apps or websites. Mobile apps significantly require less time when compared to a website. The mobile app can retrieve the data faster in compression to websites. The user can set their preferences and filter the content. The user can also wishlist their favorites and purchase the product later. It helps the user to be more proactive and thus saves plenty of time. 

4. Lessens cart abandonment rate

Mobile apps will allow you to decrease the abandonment rate. This is a vital problem for the eCommerce industry. As per Baymard’s research. The average cost of abandoned purchases is 69.23%.

The check-out process is quite simple. The payment and shipping are saved in the device itself. This allows the users to finish the purchase online and you can manage with single clicks, This will assist the user for faster checkouts with no distractions and long processes. 

5. Enhanced client service

Individuals will spend more cash on better client assistance. 73% of retail purchasers say they are urged to shop longer and spend more cash after decent customer service.

So, this must be your base concern-To attend to the concern of your clients- Make sure you include this also while ideating and developing your eCommerce apps.

Make an easy pathway for the clients so that they can reach you easily. You can simply have an action button like “Call us” so that you can reach the queries of your customer instantly.  You must also implement live chat support.

Make sure that you implement the option for live chat support. This way your clients can reach you directly, to know about a product/service. Also, make sure that you develop a team to hear the queries of your clients.

You must also implement services wherein the clients can keep track of their orders.

You must give details from the time the client purchases the order until the product is delivered to their doorstep.

6. Build a dedicated client base

There are numerous mobile apps there in the market. But a user does not wish to float in the deep sea. Hence, if you develop a dedicated app that offers the services and products the user is looking for, you are not going anywhere. Your user will stay close to your app. 

7. Brand Recognition 

Your brand will get ample recognition while you develop eCommerce mobile apps. People can relate to your brand.

Your eCommerce mobile application is a part of your business’s reputation and it must address your business appropriately. 

You must make sure to make to choose the logo colors wisely.  Ensure to make it stylish and elegant or smooth and clean. In particular, your clients need to comprehend your brand image and develop to cherish it. The more users collaborate with your application, the more acknowledgment your image will get. 

8. Positive image

An engaging eCommerce mobile app can make your business, be it small or big, stand out. The user can find out the details such as contact, location, etc. Hence, you can get a positive image of the company. 

9. Sell your product/ services quickly

For instance, you want a specific item/ service that you need to sell in the market before a specific time frame, you can push notifications stating “limited time”. Hence, the promotional coupon through your eCommerce business application to your clients can give you great business. It has been noted that these types of quick sale approaches give direct exposure to the business.

10. Client insight

What better approach to get what your clients are thinking than to directly find solutions from them? There are different elements you can add to your eCommerce mobile application to get your client’s preferences and reviews. 

You can add the rating feature and pop-up review, accumulate statistics from their quests and most purchases made or request feedback every now and then. You can try endless options that are perpetual! 

Knowing what your client resembles/ aversion or like/ dislike can be utilized as a thought process to improvise your product or services. You can likewise develop the feature of social media login or email for the promotion of your items through ads, newsletters, and social media.

Author’s bio

The author is an eCommerce developer at MobileCoderz, the leading eCommerce app and web development company.  He has over 10 years of experience in developing apps and has lent help to numerous start-ups to establish their business online. He has implemented inputs that can earn him great ROI.

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