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10 Facts about How to Make Your Business More Sustainable with Reusable Coffee Cups

reusable coffee cups

Today, doing your part to reduce the negative impact of doing business on the environment is more important than ever. One of the easiest ways to do this is? By using reusable coffee cups to cut down on the number of disposable items your company uses each day. 

A new report has revealed that only 1 in 25 Reusable Coffee Cup Australia are recycled. Most of them end up buried in landfills, where they will sit for hundreds of years, leaching toxins into our soil and groundwater. Clearly, single-use cups need to be a thing of the past if we want any hope of slowing down climate change and reducing our carbon footprint.

While most people are aware of how important it is to have reusable coffee cups, they might not be as well-informed on all of their benefits. If you’re considering switching to reusable coffee cups, or if you’re still on the fence, these are some of the reasons why you should choose them over disposable cups and how they can help you make your business more sustainable:

1) They’re Convenient

The average commute in Australia is 29 minutes. Multiply that by five days per week, and you’re looking at almost two hours of your life every week—that you could use for something else, Green says. You don’t need to leave your coffee cup on your desk. Using a reusable coffee cup is convenient because it’s one less thing you have to think about on busy mornings before work or afternoons between meetings.

2) They Have a Great Reputation

Many people around Australia are calling reusable coffee cups a global environmental crisis due to their low reusable plastic usage. With a quick Google search of reusable coffee cups in Australia, you will find lots of options on how you can start using them.

3) They Look Professional

When you’re at a meeting, conference, or networking event, your business card is one of your first opportunities to make a good impression. That’s why it’s important that you have a business card that looks professional and reflects well on your brand. 

A reusable coffee cup can be used in many different settings, so if you carry one around, your customers will associate it with your business. Additionally, potential customers can go online and check out more information about how eco-friendly reusable coffee cups are without having to contact you directly—all while looking at branded items! It’s a win-win situation all around.

4) They Don’t Break Down Easily

A lot of coffee cups end up in landfills because they don’t break down easily. While plastic and paper coffee cups are recyclable, most people recycle them improperly or don’t recycle them at all. Even if your coffee cup is recycled, it can take 450 years for it to biodegrade in a landfill. That means that every time you buy a drink from a disposable coffee cup, you may be causing long-term damage to our planet—and slowing down its ability to heal itself.

5) They Can Be Used as a Powerful Marketing Tool

Using reusable coffee cups makes it easier for your customers and prospects to be green. This gives them a way they can reduce their carbon footprint without making sacrifices or feeling like they’re inconveniencing anyone. An EcoCoffee Cup also makes a great giveaway item that your clients and customers will remember. They’ll also feel like you really care about them, which is a powerful marketing tool all by itself.

6) Other People Will See Them Being Used and May Copy You

Have you ever wondered what happens when you throw your disposable coffee cup in a landfill? If so, then you’re not alone. People are becoming more and more concerned about their impact on our planet, especially when it comes to what they throw away. The next time you grab a disposable coffee cup or food container, stop and think—does it really need to be thrown away? 

Many reusable containers can be used over and over again before they begin taking up space in landfills; in fact, one study found that disposable cups are used only six times before being discarded. That means that if each person who drinks out of a disposable cup replaced them with reusable ones, we would save enough plastic cups from landfills to wrap around our planet nearly 4 times!

7) They Reduce Waste

The average person throws away approximately 200,000 disposable cups in their lifetime. If a reusable cup was used for each of those drinks instead, that’s 200,000 fewer cups heading for landfills. 

The UN Environment Programme has estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans unless we change our ways. It is essential for businesses to begin making responsible decisions such as using reusable coffee cups when purchasing office supplies or choosing packaging items for products and gifts. These things make a difference!

8) Reusable Coffee Cups Are Good for Plants

When you use a reusable coffee cup, you’re not contributing as much waste. Approximately 2.5 billion disposable cups are used each year in Australia and most of these cups end up in landfills. The production of disposable coffee cups also uses tons of paper, pulp, and non-renewable energy resources, making them bad for both your environment and your wallet. 

Using reusable coffee cups is better for everyone, except maybe single-use cup manufacturers—and they don’t count! Plus, using reusable cups will save you money over time because they can be purchased more cheaply than single-use ones. Who doesn’t want that?

9) They Save You Money

One of the best things about reusable coffee cups is that they save you money. By buying a reusable coffee cup you’ll no longer need to purchase disposable cups. This can quickly start adding up when you consider how many cups you buy in a year. 

The average person buys around 300 disposable coffee cups per year and at $3 each, that can really add up! The cost of purchasing reusable coffee cups is minimal when compared to their convenience benefits. It’s not just coffee drinkers who benefit either as they’re also great for hot beverages such as tea and cocoa!

10) There Are Many Different Types Available

For example, there are reusable coffee cups made of paper and cardboard, which are biodegradable. These are great for those who like their joe on-the-go or need a disposable cup that they can use while they’re getting their business off its feet. Since most of these types of cups don’t keep hot drinks warm as long as others, it’s recommended that you grab a thermos for when you want your coffee (or tea) piping hot on cold days.


Today, around 1 billion cups are thrown away each year in Australia. With our growing focus on sustainability and making businesses more environmentally friendly, it’s time we start thinking about how Reusable Coffee Cup Australia can make a difference in our business practices. 

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