Category: Cryptocurrency

Genesis Block gold and silver round coin

What is a Genesis Block?

Cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer currency system that works on a decentralized ledger system. This currency is designed to meet the needs of the digital era. The blockchain ledger technology provides cryptocurrency an advantage over the traditional ledger system that is used in banks and other financial institutions. The traditional ledger...

bitcoin games gold and silver round coin

Best Bitcoin Games for Mobile In 2021

The concept of virtual currency is something that most people are familiar with today. It’s now a norm to see Bitcoin in advertisements, news headlines, and articles all over the Internet and in offline platforms. With its ever-increasing popularity, developers have started creating games for mobile devices which use Bitcoin...

gold and silver round coin

Bitcoin and its influence on the Liquor Industry

Introduction: Since time came to be known as time, alcohol consumption has been one of the predominant practices of humanity. While alcohol consumption has also been one of the areas of problem according to one section, one can’t possibly deny that in moderation, it also happens to be the source...

woman holding Bitcoin

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency: What is it all about?

Introduction: We do understand that every place you go you get to hear about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and its growing popularity in today’s time. It is not rocket science that after the pandemic, the relevance of Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency has only increased. The aim of most people is to go paperless,...

bitcoin three round gold-colored Bitcoin tokens

Price Fluctuations of Bitcoin throughout history

It has been known quite widely in the world of cryptocurrency that the value of bitcoin undergoes a large number of changes. This is because it is mostly a new form of currency that is being introduced into the world. Among every kind of cryptocurrency which is available in the...

bitcoin wallet silver iPhone 6 beside two coins

All you need to know about a Bitcoin Wallet

A wallet is a pouch where you can keep your personal belongings, especially money. We are well acquainted with digital wallets or e-wallets that we can use for cashless transactions using an electronic device (through a computer or a mobile phone). Bitcoin is a digital currency that is not regulated...


Eight Things in Crypto You Can’t Afford to Miss This Week

In this roundup, we cover China’s market-rattling resistance to Bitcoin, the increasing drumbeat toward crypto regulation, the rise of crypto kiosks, Mark Cuban’s stable token experiment gone awry, and more. China Makes Aggressive Moves to End the Circulation of All Digital Asset Exchanges Forbes reported that China wants to stop...

crypto broker

Elon Musk Scam and Other Popular Scams of Bitcoin

Dozens of victims defrauded by the recent cryptocurrency boom by Elon Musk impersonators urge many commissions to help get their money back. As of October 2020, the federal government has revealed that consumers had lost over $80 million to crypto investment schemes. Many schemes offered to reproduce and return any...


Trends that will Change Bitcoin in 2021

The significant increase in the value of Bitcoin placed cryptocurrency in the investing area on the map. Bitcoin has surpassed large value levels since it began – not more than a decade earlier. It’s a $1 trillion economy’s biggest cryptocurrency. Approximately 5000+ cryptocurrencies, most of them included in Coin Switch...

Cryptocurrency Trading, bitcoin investment option

Major Profit Bitcoin Gain In 2021

Bitcoin, BTC to USD, surged by 7.59 percent on Thursday morning, reversing a 2.36 percent decline from Wednesday (March); Bitcoin finished the period down by 1.98 percent to $57,630.0. A volatile start and the day witnessed Bitcoin sink to a morning hours uptrend low of $53,068.0 before moving a shift....

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