Category: Infographic

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Disconnected Team

The Dangers Of A Disconnected Team

A thriving business requires employees who also flourish in their work environment. However, sometimes staff can experience a disconnection between colleagues and even leadership teams. In addition, about 65% of employees stated that they feel less connected to their coworkers than ever before. This disconnection in the workplace can have...

Plastic Packaging

The Problem With Plastic Packaging

The amount of waste we generate day to day is unsustainable. It’s as simple as that. Gargantuan piles of discarded items fill our landfills to the brim and pollute our waterways, making it impossible for marine life to thrive. As these harmful materials — plastic in particular — continue to...

real estate laws

A Homebuyer’s Guide to Philippine Real Estate Laws and Regulations

Acquiring a home symbolizes a financial milestone and a stride towards belonging and stability. In the Philippines, a nation distinguished by its rich culture and diverse landscapes, the real estate domain presents abundant opportunities for those seeking a place to call their own. However, this journey surpasses mere property searches....

online shopping experience

How Can Commerce APIs Improve the Shopping Experience

Delivering a seamless online shopping experience requires companies to invest in the latest eCommerce system technology. One such investment is in commerce APIs. Short for application programming interfaces, APIs have become a critical component in today’s vast online retail landscape.  Why is that? Capable of enabling advanced integration, APIs allow...

a group of people standing next to each other

Top 10 Technology Trends in 2023 and Beyond

The world has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with the relentless march of technology accelerating the pace of digitization. Technology has become deeply ingrained in every person’s daily life, from how we communicate to how we work, learn, and entertain ourselves.  As we enter 2023 and beyond, this...

business loan trends and statistics

A Comprehensive Guide to Business Loans in the Philippines

Growth and innovation are vital for long-term business success, allowing you to adapt to market trends and remain relevant to your customers.  However, pursuing these goals often necessitates sufficient financial resources like business loans. This type of financing can empower your company to implement your expansion plans and achieve long-term...

finance investment apps

Top Finance Investment Apps

Introduction Investment apps are mobile applications that allow you to invest your money in different types of securities, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, commodities, etc., anytime, anywhere. However, stock trading for beginners can be tricky without an ample understanding of the market’s options, past returns, fees, fund managers,...

economics of free shipping

The Economics of Free Shipping

Introduction If you want to catch people’s attention, simply add the word ‘free’ to practically anything. Offering free shipping for your products can be an effective way of convincing potential customers to buy from you. Online shopping can be frustrating for many due to the high shipping fees added at...

Oil & Gas Industry

Equipment Maintenance In The Oil & Gas Industry

Everyday we rely on the oil and gas industry to fuel the global economy and drive our way of life. Practically every aspect of our day-to-day existence revolves around this billion-dollar industry. As such, proper maintenance of the complex equipment and specialized machinery needed to keep the entire supply chain...

speed optimization

Things to Know about WordPress Speed Optimization

In the digital era, having a presence online is critical for businesses. Companies can try different gimmicks to establish their visibility in the online world.  Some use social media, like Facebook groups, LinkedIn, or even Pinterest, to create an online position. But others prefer to develop websites. And if there...

branded merchandise

How Branded Merchandise Can Grow Your Business

Today’s business world is extremely competitive. Finding ways to stand out can help put you in front of consumers and help your business grow. Providing branded merchandise to customers can do exactly that and help promote your company. Branded merchandise are items that typically have a business’s logo or name....

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas