Steps in Creating A Money Making Product

A great business idea remains an idea until you find a way to monetize it. Here are some steps that will help you turn your idea into a successful money making product. Step 1: Begin with a concept Why do people need you product? And with the presence of competitors in your market segment, why… Continue reading Steps in Creating A Money Making Product

11 Ways To Convince People To Buy From You

If you’re having difficulty selling to potential customers, one problem might be that they don’t believe what you’re telling them. Would you buy from someone you didn’t believe? Probably not. So it’s clear that your own credibility is critical to a successful sale. You have to establish your credibility in the eyes of your potential… Continue reading 11 Ways To Convince People To Buy From You

How to Make Car Shampoo (Business)

Making your own car wash shampoo will not only save you a lot of money but also a good business idea to start with just minimal capital. It’s easy! Remember: there’s nothing very magical in the store-bought bottles of car wash solution. There are many ways to make your own homemade car shampoo inexpensively. Here… Continue reading How to Make Car Shampoo (Business)

Pinoy Business Tips To Easy Money

Karolina Grabowska at Pexels

Because Millions of people all across the Philippines want to know how they can work at home and earn enough money to run a household, there is a special need for this article. Today the need for Filipinos to work out of the home is stronger than ever. According to recent NSO survey, almost 7.5% of Filipinos are unemployed.… Continue reading Pinoy Business Tips To Easy Money

How To Make A Simple Parol

Filipinos adorn their houses with parol (Christmas lantern influenced by the Mexican piñata) during Christmas. Most of these lanterns are made of bamboo sticks and thin sheets of paper (called Japanese paper in the Philippines). They are lighted up at night. More recent innovations of the parol are those made of capiz (seashells) that have… Continue reading How To Make A Simple Parol

How to Make Soy-based Meat

Soy-based meat or soy meat, a by-product of the extraction of soybean oil from soy flour, is not really a new product in the food industry. For a long time, processed meat like hotdog and meat loaf have been using soy-based meat as a meat extender. Soy meat is low in fat, rich in protein… Continue reading How to Make Soy-based Meat

How to Start a Wholesale Clothing Business

One of the growing trends in businesses today is wholesaling, especially wholesale clothing. This is because apart from any other wholesale businesses, a wholesale clothing business is always on the demand. Part of the reason is that clothes are one of the essential needs of mankind, and fashion clothing lines are always on the demand.… Continue reading How to Start a Wholesale Clothing Business

Business Permits and Licenses

To make your business legal and fully functional there are several government agencies you have to register with depending on the type of your business. These are the following: DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY (DTI) Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection (BTRCP). You may secure and accomplish their application for Business Name with the… Continue reading Business Permits and Licenses

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