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How to Choose between Freestanding and Insert Fireplaces?

When choosing a fireplace for your home, the options can be overwhelming. Do you want a freestanding fireplace or an insert? What are their differences?

How to Choose between Freestanding and Insert Fireplaces? 2

Knowing the difference between the two is essential, as it will affect your decision on which is suitable for you and your home, considering the available space, budget, etc.

This article will explore more about freestanding & fireplace inserts, to help you reach a final decision.

What Is a Fireplace Insert?

A fireplace insert is intended to fit into an existing fireplace opening. It’s like a mini fireplace that sits inside the existing fireplace.

The best part about a fireplace insert is that you can transform your existing fireplace into a functioning wood-burning or gas fireplace. And if you’re not using your existing one, you can install an insert to heat your home.

Fireplace inserts are available in different sizes, which allows you to select the best one for your needs. And they’re also available in different styles to match your decor.

What Is a Freestanding Fireplace?

A freestanding fireplace is just that; freestanding. It’s a self-contained unit that doesn’t need to be installed into a wall or chimney. Freestanding fireplaces come in various shapes and sizes so you can find one perfect for your space.

They’re a great option if you’re looking for something portable, and it’s easy to move around if you need to rearrange your furniture. Plus, they don’t require extra ventilation, so they’re a good choice if you don’t have a chimney.

However, freestanding fireplaces produce less heat than traditional fireplaces, so they’re not ideal for heating your entire home.

The Benefits of a Fireplace Insert

Inserts are more efficient because they use the heat from the fire to warm up the room. They also tend to be smaller than freestanding fireplaces, meaning they take up less space.

Inserts are easier to install because they fit into an existing fireplace opening. Freestanding fireplaces require a particular hearth and surround, which can add to the cost and complexity of installation.

Inserts can be used with either wood or gas logs, while freestanding fireplaces are limited to wood-burning.

The Benefits of a Freestanding Fireplace

Freestanding fireplaces are often more affordable than inserts. They’re also easier to install, and you don’t need a chimney to use them.

Freestanding fireplaces also give you more flexibility. You can put them anywhere in your home, whereas inserts are typically limited to the fireplace opening.

So if you’re looking for an affordable, easy-to-install, and flexible fireplace solution, then a freestanding fireplace is the way to go.

How to Choose Between a Fireplace Insert and a Freestanding Fireplace

When choosing between a freestanding fireplace and a fireplace insert, you first need to ask yourself what kind of fireplace you want. Do you want a traditional fireplace that stands on its own or something that will be inserted into an existing fireplace?

Once you’ve decided on that, the next question is size. How much space do you want your fireplace to take up? Freestanding fireplaces come in various shapes and sizes, but if you want an inset fireplace, make sure the dimensions of your existing fireplace are compatible.

Consider your heating needs. A freestanding fireplace will provide more heat than an insert.

Your style preferences. A freestanding fireplace is a bit more decorative, while an insert is more practical.

Freestanding fireplaces can be more expensive than fireplace inserts, but it depends on the brand and the features you’re looking for. So take your time and compare your options before making a final decision.


Both fireplaces have advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to think it through and consider these before buying one.

Once you have planned it out, your next step is where to buy one. Always consider the suggestions by the professionals as they are the ones that have explicit knowledge of these fireplaces.

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