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How do employee volunteering programs boost business success?

employee volunteering programs
How do employee volunteering programs boost business success? 2

Today’s businesses demand a higher sense of ethics as they are expected to be accountable for their processes and how they affect communities. To do so, many businesses are going for employee volunteer program examples as part of their corporate social responsibility, workplace engagement strategies, and employee productivity enhancement. 

Many businesses worldwide have realised the benefits of employee volunteer programs such as better employee productivity, a chance to engage with other businesses and non-profit businesses, etc. Keep reading to learn about employee volunteering programs (EVP), their benefits, types, and how you can set up your own EVP. 

What Exactly Is Employee Volunteering Program?

Employee volunteer programs are a popular method for businesses to boost employee engagement and promote corporate social responsibility. These volunteering programs provide employees the chance to partake in different volunteering tasks that will allow them to develop their skills, build relationships, and solve community issues.

Different Types Of Employee Volunteering Programs

Employee volunteering programs are of several types, as some programs cater to the company’s specific goals and employee preferences, whereas some programs are solely for the betterment of a particular community. With all the different employee volunteer programs examples, businesses can easily ensure that everyone associated has the chance to engage in meaningful volunteering work. Following are some examples of volunteering programs:

  • Pro-Bono Services

Pro-bono employee volunteering consists of offering professional services to non-profit businesses for free. Some primary examples are lawyers providing free legal advice or graphic designers making promotional materials for funds or charities.

  • Skill-Based Volunteering

Skill-based volunteering allows workers to use their skills to support non-profit businesses. This type of volunteering can be anything that consists of activities such as financial planning, marketing, IT support, or strategic consultation.

  • Individual Or Group Volunteering

In this type of volunteering, workers can engage in several activities as part of a group or individually. The activities can be anything, such as participating in fundraising events or mentoring the youth.

  • Team-Building Volunteering

Team-building volunteering emphasises activities that foster collaboration amongst the workers. This type of volunteering can include environmental clean-ups, meal preparation for the homeless, or home-building projects.

  • Remote Or Virtual Volunteering

Due to the rise of technology and remote work, virtual volunteering has become popular. Employees can participate and support non-profit businesses from their houses by providing expertise, remotely tutoring, or partaking in online fundraising events. 

What Are The Benefits Of Employee Volunteering Programs?

Employee monitoring has many benefits since it is considered a win-win scenario for the business, employees, and every other party. The following are the benefits of employee volunteer programs:

  • Better Workplace Engagement

Employee volunteer programs have become an essential part of the employee engagement strategy. According to research, there is a connection between employee productivity and volunteerism. 

The feeling of contribution will cultivate a sense of purpose that will induce a sense of fulfilment among the employees. With this, employees will have a higher commitment level and workplace engagement. 

  • Improve the Wellbeing Of Employees

Employee volunteering not only improves employee productivity but also improves their health and well-being. Employee volunteer programs serve a healthy work-life balance and form a culture that caters to employees’ well-being. 

The research found that most adults reported that volunteering makes them feel healthier emotionally and physically as they feel less burnt out. It reduces absenteeism and improves overall mental health. More than 80% of participants reported lower stress due to volunteering and stable mental health.

  • Forms New Partnerships

A business’s collaboration with non-profit organisations or a charity is more than just an accomplishment. Rather, it is a great chance to drive meaningful change within the community and promote your business simultaneously. Helping the community’s social issues and providing solutions will solidify working relationships with other clients, organisations, and vendors.

How To Set Up A Good Employee Volunteering Program?

Good employee volunteer program examples involve proper planning, communication, and collaboration. Following are the steps that will help you to design an efficient employee volunteer program: 

  1. Identify Company’s Goals And Values

Identifying the company’s objective and core values is the first step in designing a proper EVP. It helps ensure that the program matches the company’s mission.

  1. Conduct A Requirements Survey

A survey will help your business to identify specific issues within a specific community and non-profit companies to align with their objectives and values. To do this, research, discuss with experts, and survey your employees.

  1. Set Goals

Setting clear goals and targets is necessary to guide the program’s direction and measure its success. Goals can either be several volunteer hours, employee skill development, or a problem solved in a community.

  1. Develop Program Framework

A framework will highlight the types of volunteering activities, needed resources, roles, and responsibilities of each employee and management, and tracking methods.

  1. Involve Employees During The Planning Process

Considering employees’ views during the planning will foster a sense of ownership and enthusiasm. Employees can offer valuable insights based on their preferences, areas of interest, and skills that will help them shape the best volunteering activities.


Employee volunteer programs are critical in promoting social responsibility and inducing a non-toxic work culture. By offering your employees the chance to give back to the community, businesses can create a sense of fulfilment and purpose amongst the workforce, benefiting both businesses and communities.

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