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LED Billboards and Brand Awareness Goes Hand in Hand

Using LED Billboard Advertising in the Philippines and all over the world are used by businesses to improve brand awareness. It is one of the popular means of out of home advertising, along with traditional billboards. Aside from advertising, do you know that LED billboards are also used for increasing brand awareness?

Brand awareness is the extent of your brand’s popularity within your target market. This means that whenever your product or service is mentioned, you are one of the first things that come to a consumer’s mind. Think of it like this, when someone mentions toothpaste, what brand immediately pops in your mind? Simply put, it’s how memorable you are for your target market. Increasing your brand awareness should be one of your goals, especially if you want to get ahead of your competitors. So how can you do it?

Image Source: www.forbes.com

Image Source: www.forbes.com

Increasing Brand Awareness

Traditional and LED billboards are some of the most prominent out of home advertising tools. Why? Well, it is because billboards in general are pretty effective in conveying a message to a big number of people. Despite this huge advantage, there are still naysayers out there who doubt the effectiveness of billboards. Since it is pretty difficult to follow the conversion rate when using billboards for advertising purposes, some people question their efficiency as marketing tools. What these people fail to realize is that more than conversion, billboards are useful in increasing brand awareness.

Brand awareness is how well known your brand is among your target market. Some people would go and say that this is important than instant conversion. Why? Well, because brand awareness is not just instant success, it is a longtime achievement. Instant conversion, on the other hand, is not very reliable and can be very fleeting. If consumers know and trust your brand, you can guarantee that they will continue to avail your products and services whether you influence them to or not.

How can you achieve this? Ideally, what you have to do is ensure that you have constant communication with your target audience. This means that you have to know your audience’s whereabouts. This will give you an idea of what tools to use to relay your message effectively. Once you know where and how to communicate to your target market, you can proceed to plotting the message that you will be spreading, as well as how often.

Image Source: torontoist.com

Image Source: torontoist.com

The Role of LED Billboards in Brand Awareness

In a world where consumers spend most time on transit than at home, it is more crucial now more than ever to use out of home advertising medium. Out of home advertising tools like billboards, posters, and banners will help you relay your message to consumers as they travel to school or work every day.

Using OOH tools, especially LED billboards, are a good way to increase your brand awareness. Why LED billboards? Digital billboards offer benefits that you might never encounter in other advertising tools. It is very flexible, for instance. Unlike static billboards, you can change the content of your LED display easily anytime at a low or no cost at all!

In addition, LED billboards are very cost-effective. You might pay a considerable amount of money to acquire one of these gigantic screens but in the end, it is worth it. LED displays are very durable and can last for many years. Since you don’t have to pay much to create or replace the content of your digital billboard, you can save money and eventually pay off the amount that you used to purchase your LED billboard in the first place.

Most of all, out of all the out of home advertising tools, LED billboard is probably your most attention-grabbing option. After all, who can ignore these huge screens? It is almost impossible to look past the colorful images display in LED billboards. With its animated graphics and entertaining videos, consumers cannot help but watch your message on the screen! You can even alter the content of your digital display. During light traffic, you can set your LED screen to view concise messages that your target market can grasp within seconds. On the other hand, during heavy traffic, you can choose to play longer advertisements that would entertain the public as they sit in boredom inside their vehicles.

There is no doubt that brand awareness and LED billboards goes hand in hand. Since most consumers spend majority of their time outside of their homes, it only makes sense to use out of home advertising tools to try and communicate your brand message. Out of all OOH tools, LED billboards are the most advantageous option available. If you want to improve your brand awareness, make sure to use the right tool. This will help you target the right audience effectively in order to communicate with them properly.


Author’s Biography

Jose Mari Gamboa has a degree in Advertising with a thing for businesses and investments. He has attended numerous financial focused seminars. A Car guy in his social circle, loves to eat and explore new trend of food. Jose balances indulging his cravings and a healthy lifestyle.


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1 Response

  1. Hi Jose,
    It’s true that LED Billboards are used advertise brand names.
    But I’m sure it’s costly!
    Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate your work. Keep it up, Jose! 🙂

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