There is a frustrating phenomenon wherein, after finishing the meal, you still have an empty feeling. If you ever questioned yourself as to why am I still hungry after eating? You do not have to worry as this is a pretty common phenomenon that happens due to the nature of food being consumed or how your body interprets the hunger signal. In this article, we shall try to explore some possible reasons why this happens and some remedies that will help you feel full and satisfied after meals.
Why Am I Always Hungry Even after Eating?
This feeling of hunger despite taking a whole meal is very common to people. There can be many reasons for it and what has caused it needs to be understood. Maybe it’s primarily due to the nature of food that you consume. For example, if you consume food that is high on simple carbohydrates, such as white bread or sugary snacks, this causes your blood sugar level to shoot up and come crashing down again, not long after you eat.
The reason could be why am I still hungry after eating protein. Protein is that nutrient for satiety; however, if your meal does not consist of enough protein or fiber, you will even be hungry after having a lot of food. Protein will slowly digest your body, which means you stay full longer than usual. When your body does not receive enough, then your body will respond with hunger, even when you have eaten.
Why Am I Still Hungry After Eating Healthy?
Somewhere people get hungry after they have consumed the amount that they feel is healthy food. So, if ever asked why am I still hungry after eating healthy then some reasons are there for the same. For example, fruits and vegetables are of extremely low calories and get digested very easily within a period of time. Even though these foods contain a lot of nutrients, they can hardly provide the feeling of prolonged satiety like intake of calorie- or even fat-dense foods does.
Perhaps another possible reason is that you’re eating fat-free food. Avocados, nuts, and olive oil are sources of healthy fats that help keep one feeling fuller for a relatively longer period. More than likely, if the amount of fat from your diet is not sufficient, then maybe you’ll want to be back on an eating spree pretty soon even when you’re on a healthy food consumption.
Why am I Still Hungry after Eating Much?
You could imagine that after you have had such a big meal, you would be satisfied, but there are those who remain hungry after eating so much. Well, if you ask yourself the question of why you would still feel hungry after eating a lot, then you must know that several factors apply. Perhaps, your meal lacks balance. For instance, you are consuming a lot of carbs and proteins but very little fiber or fat. Such a meal will make you full for some time, but it will not last long. A meal that contains more fiber, protein, and healthy fats will make you satiated for a longer time.
But that is not all. It is also about how fast you eat. You tend to gobble down food so fast that your brain doesn’t get time to receive the signals that you have already had enough. Thus, you may feel hungry, even though your body has consumed enough food.
Still Hungry After Eating Protein?
Protein is known to suppress hunger, but if you are still hungry after eating protein, then there must be other factors involved. For starters, you might not be taking the right and adequate amount of protein to satisfy you. The best sources of protein are lean proteins like chicken or fish. The best part is that combining them with other fiber-rich foods such as vegetables or whole grains will keep you full for a long time. It is also possible that even if your meal has a good amount of protein, if it does not have the other nutrients in your diet, such as fats or carbohydrates, then you will still be hungry.
Why Am I Hungry After I Eat?
You may sometimes wonder why am i hungry after i eat having already eaten a sufficient amount. There are a number of reasons. This hormonal imbalance can lead to higher levels of what is commonly referred to as the hunger hormone ghrelin or a deficiency in leptin, also known as the satiety hormone. Stress can also have a hand in this as it leads to the increase in ghrelin levels, and that means increased hunger. Emotional eating is also very closely related, though usually because of boredom. They can, at times, even make you hungry even if your body doesn’t need that.
Remedies for Hunger Feeling After Eating
If you always become hungry after eating, here is what you should do:.
Eat Balanced Meals
Make sure your meals are full of protein, fiber, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This will make sure you don’t eat too much later and remain full for a longer time.
Eat Slowly and Mindfully
If you eat too fast, then you do not get a chance of letting your brain record the fact that you are already satisfied. Savor food; taste and enjoy eating; slow and easy to help prevent binge eating.
Drink up
We tend to feel thirsty mistaken for hunger, people usually do. Take a glass at all times throughout the day and before each meal so as not to gorge yourself.
Since stress increases hunger, you can control your appetite by practicing some stress-reducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises.
Avoid Sugary and Processed Foods
Foods that are high in sugar or refined carbs will create blood sugar spikes and crashes, leaving you hungry shortly after eating. Instead, focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.
Think of Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals
If you do not feel fulfilled by eating much, then you likely need to eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day; this is probably your best choice because you can feel energized and avoid overhungering.
This enables you to wonder why am i still hungry after eating though you recently ate, and it might be further refined by better balancing meals, eating more slowly, and managing one’s stress.
Knowing the reasons behind hunger after eating allows you the opportunity to adjust your diet and lifestyle so you eat more satisfactorily and feel that you have eaten more comprehensively. If this persists, then it will be best to seek consultation from a health care provider to know any underlying conditions and for more solutions.