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The Environmentally Friendly Way To Renovate Your Home

Thankfully, people are now much more aware of the need to be environmentally friendly. This desire to be green has seen people take steps to ensure their carbon footprint is considerably and consistently lowered.

If you are currently in the process of or have started to plan how to renovate your private property, then there are a host of positive and exceedingly effective choices you can make to be as eco-friendly as possible during the process.

Throw Away As Little As Possible

This fairly obvious first point is something that should be at the forefront of your mind throughout the renovation process.

Instead of taking endless bags and boxes to the tip, anything that is in good enough condition to take to your local charity shop, then do this as someone else could make use of it.  Anything wooden that is broken can be recycled and then repurposed, as can scrap metals.

Use Paints That Are VOC-Free

VOC, which stands for volatile organic compounds, paints and varnishes, release harmful and toxic fumes and compounds that are not only harmful to you but to the air and the atmosphere around you.

Instead, always check the back of the paint tin when you are shopping for such products to check that they are all entirely VOC-free.

Choose Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo is not only an aesthetically stunning choice for your floors for your home, but it is extremely durable and moisture resistant. Not only that, but it is a fantastic and wholly-sustainably material that is grown using considerably fewer pesticides and grows back much faster than ordinary wood. Bamboo flooring instantly makes a space more warm, inviting, and cozy and is a fantastic investment.

Repair Rather Than Replace

Understandably, if you are redesigning the complete layout of your ground floor, for example, or moving walls within the structure of your home, some things cannot be changed, adapted, or repaired.

However, for smaller furnishings and details, it is considerably more eco-friendly to repair and upcycle them rather than to simply destroy them and take them to landfills. Using process heating tools to safely and effectively weld and redesign is always much more preferable over ripping everything out and starting afresh.

Consider Installing Solar Panels

One of the most effective and entirely environmentally friendly things you could possibly install when renovating your private property is to add solar panels to the roof.

There is a multitude of fantastic benefits of the installation of solar panels in your home, which include but are categorically in no way limited to:

  • Significant savings on household energy bills
  • Possible financial rebates on utility bills paid in the past
  • The use of renewable energy which is fantastic for the natural environment
  • Saving water
  • Positive economic impact on society on the whole due to the creation of jobs
  • The improvement of local and national grid security and reduced risk of blackouts

These simple steps are the best way to renovate your home in an eco-friendly way and will be sure to limit your carbon impact on the planet.

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