Category: Health


Tips for Finding the Best Health Insurance Provider

Buying health insurance is as important as it is vital. This is an investment that should be a priority for every single person. But, the insurance market is flooded with several different types of insurance companies, each offering unique benefits, while charging a different insurance premium. As such, it can...


The Best Pets for Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the US, affecting over 18 percent of the population according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Everyone experiences anxiety in some form, those without an anxiety disorder feel situational anxiety, spurred by stressful or nerve-wracking events like giving a speech...

first aid training

First aid training program at work – The top three benefits to unlock

Health is wealth! Most organizations have realized that optimal employee productivity depends on their good health. Previously companies didn’t have this realization. Not considering the well-being of your employees can result in several hazardous situations. There can be a loss of workdays. And this translates into a loss of money...


Keeping Your Elderly Parents Healthy

Study after study has shown that more and more adult children are living with their parents longer, but what about the reverse? Turns out, there’s another trend that isn’t talked about quite as much where elderly parents are moving in with their grown children. While this isn’t necessarily the “ideal”...


Is Health Insurance Impacting Your Small Business?

Small business owners like you are probably already feeling the impact of Obamacare in some pretty positive ways. From lower health insurance rates to healthier employees, the Affordable Care Act is creating a better work environment for millions of small business owners across the country. Here are just a few...


Free Healthcare Coverage for Raketeers in Partnership with Intellicare

Free Healthcare Coverage for Raketeers in Partnership with Intellicare One of the biggest issues facing Raketeers all over the country right now is the lack of healthcare coverage for a lot of independent contractors like themselves. Due to the high cost of healthcare these days, a lot of Raketeers are...


Serving Up the Best Healthcare for Your Employees

With the changes over the last year-plus to healthcare due to Obamacare rules, many businesses are struggling with healthcare costs. Restaurants are particularly hard hit with the additional expenses because many of them fall within the limits imposed by the law. However, they are finding ways to deal with the...


Healthcare Grants Provide Shot in the Arm for Patients

Healthcare Grants Provide Shot in the Arm for Patients Hospitals and other medical facilities often have to run on a tight budget. The focus is on paying current bills and maintaining equipment without much left over for new innovations and upgrades. With the use of grants, these places can enhance...


Could Wintertime Be a Killer?

Wintertime is rough on everybody, but especially older people. They have to deal with things like shoveling snow and scraping ice off cars, that aren’t a concern for the rest of the year. Winter can be a hazard to people, but they can do things to protect themselves. Winter Work...

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