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7 Frameworks Are Best for Creating Progressive Web Apps in 2023?

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7 Frameworks Are Best for Creating Progressive Web Apps in 2023? 2

Web developers have struggled to provide a seamless experience between desktop computers and mobile devices. Many developers focus on making web apps feel more like their native equivalents in terms of the user experience. And it led to the development of mobile- and desktop-friendly “progressive web app development services.” These progressive web apps provide a web-based service experience similar to a native app. A PWA does have the appearance and functionality of an app. Building a PWA has various advantages, most notably in user satisfaction.

Creating progressive web apps is currently all the rage in web development. Progressive web apps (PWAs) allow businesses to provide an excellent mobile and desktop experience. You can choose a reputable PWA development firm if you want a progressive web app packed with features for your business. The success of your PWA development project hinges on your selection of a suitable framework.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

To create an experience on par with native apps, developers have turned to what is known as “progressive web apps” (PWAs). They are compatible with any platform and can be “installed” on a user’s home screen without going through an app store. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) leverage technologies, including Service Workers and Web App Manifests, to deliver offline support and other native app-like capabilities. The app is built with the user’s experience in mind and adheres to design guidelines that give it a native appearance and feel.

83.07% of the world’s population uses a smartphone, making up 6.648 billion people. This number is expected to reach 7.690 billion by 2027.

Considering these figures, it is clear that firms today must move quickly and efficiently to adopt emerging technologies or risk falling behind the competition. In this regard, progressive web app frameworks have emerged as a dominant mobile and online app creation technology. Popular Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) include Starbucks, Pinterest, and Twitter. To replace older native apps and mobile web experiences, these applications adopted PWAs, which greatly improved user engagement.

Top 7 Frameworks for Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps are cutting-edge technological advancements with the potential to transform your business completely. There is also a more narrow and technical meaning to it. Come along with us as we take you there!

You can think of progressive web apps as websites that combine the best features of traditional apps and mobile ones. A PWA can improve user retention and functionality by taking advantage of the capabilities of mobile apps. Progressive web apps (PWAs) are an attempt to merge the best features of native mobile apps and the mobile web, such as offline access and quick loading times.

There are currently many alternatives to choose from. The problem is that only some PWA frameworks are up to par. Several of the best examples can be found below.

1. Ionic

Ionic is a free open-source software development kit (SDK) based on Angular and Apache Cordova. It was created in 2013. Over 5 million hybrid progressive web app projects have been built with it since then, making it one of the most popular PWA frameworks. Ionic is great for creating PWAs because it includes a large library of components for both iOS and Android that developers can use to create web pages that run inside the device browser using WebView.

The benefits of ionic include the following:

  • Source code is freely available.
  • Budget-friendly app creation.
  • Proves to have the shortest learning curve.
  • Minimal effort required for maintenance.
  • An integrated browser tool.
  • An vast collection of API plug-ins.

2. React.js

Even though Angular has a sizable community, the React group is much larger. React is widely acknowledged as a first-class citizen in the Progressive Web App development space due to its ‘Create a new React app’ generator and other efforts to make PWA the next Web standard.

Also, compared to a full framework like Angular, which has a Model-View-Controller model, the React library only has Viewed, and it can only bring HTML into JavaScript that is compatible with virtual DOM server-side rendering. This is a big part of why React is so popular among hire pwa developers.

The benefits of using React.js are as follows:

  • An easily comprehensible syntax.
  • Strong backend rendering support is essential.
  • Increased adaptability during development.
  • Uses a virtual DOM and other rendering techniques to get the highest possible performance.
  • There is a huge global network of React programmers.

3. Polymer

Polymer is an open-source web app development framework that is another Google innovation. All web widgets, PWA instruments, and starter projects are available. In addition, Google’s Polymer is flexible since it uses components and technologies that are compatible with all browsers.

Benefits of the polymer include:

  • Very easy to grasp in general terms.
  • Complete set of tools for creating and running web applications.
  • Including navigation and mobile-friendly layouts.
  • Adaptable to a wide range of browsers.
  • Easy record-keeping.

4. Vue.js

Although it wasn’t initially intended for this purpose, Vue.js is extensively used by developers to build user-friendly website development company in india. It is a JavaScript-based front-end framework for dynamic applications and has several PWA development packages. For this reason, Vue.js makes it easier to create useful online apps.

The benefits of using Vue.js are:

  • Characteristics that stand out strongly.
  • Clarifying the code.
  • Modular design that’s easy to understand.
  • D.O.M. in cyberspace.
  • Having the rendering done quickly on the server.
  • Quick iteration and startup ventures.

5. PreAct

Preact is a lightweight, fast, and flexible replacement for React that is well suited for PWA development due to its small footprint and ability to cover most of your needs. As a result of its compatibility with React, migrating from React to Preact is as simple as adding a preact-compat compatibility layer to your existing code, which is why it is so highly regarded in the PWA community.

The benefits of using PreAct are as follows:

  • Small and nimble in movement.
  • API for ES6, which ensures backward compatibility.
  • Get the most out of your PWA with the help of Preact CLI.
  • Incorporates rendering, routing, and extensions handled by the server.

6. Svelte

Regarding syntactic analysis and execution, Svelte, a new component-based framework, employs less code to speed things up. Svelte is a crucial component of the CSS progressive web app frameworks because to its adaptability. In addition, a virtual DOM is not necessary for Svelte. By 2023, Svelte will have established itself as the preferred framework for creating PWAs.

The benefits of being slim are as follows:

  • Accelerated the rate at which the page loaded by a significant amount.
  • Analysis and application of syntax.
  • Enhanced code readability and adaptability.
  • Compatible with a wide range of CSS-based Progressive Web App frameworks.

7. AngularJS

Because of its modular nature, Angular’s components can be used in conjunction with applications written in any other framework. Because of its potential to reduce the strain of dealing with mundane, repeated chores, the entire Angular development process has been streamlined. Additionally, its distinct compilation technique, Ahead of Time, is incredibly useful for angular Progressive Web Apps (AOT). Since it precompiled Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code before the browser downloads and runs the app, it facilitates faster application rendering.

The following are some of Angular.js’s benefits:

  • Methodology is well-thought-out and executed.
  • It has a sizable and bustling developer community.
  • Highly sophisticated systems fit for massive undertakings.
  • Those add-ons are great, too.
  • Acceleration and safety measures have been taken into consideration.
  • Amazingly original idea.
  • Dependencies Injecting into code to improve its efficiency and adaptability.
  • Fully interchangeable parts.


Regardless of which PWA framework is used, developers should expect a significant amount of convenience. When developing a progressive web app, the first and most important step is to settle on a suitable framework. The results will tell you how user-friendly, robust, responsive, and scalable your app is.

Which framework is best for your project depends on the specifications of your app and the skill level of your developers. Accordingly, you should consult with your developers before making this decision. Select both a reliable developer and a robust framework. Then, benefit from PWA in every way possible. This collection of top PWA frameworks should prove helpful on your journey.

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