Category: Blogging

Master the art of blogging with expert tips, tools, and trends. Elevate your online presence and engage your audience with captivating content.

avoid plagiarism

Best Ways To Avoid Plagiarism In Content Writing

Plagiarism is a major issue in content writing. So, what are the best practices to avoid it?  Plagiarism is a cause of headaches for many people around the globe. It’s in academia, professional writing, and the online world all the same. Here are two stats that tell us this fact:...

Building a Successful Blog

4 Tips for Building a Successful Blog

If you don’t already have a blog associated with your site, there is no better time than now to get one up and going. We have seen hundreds of companies who have not yet delved into the benefits that blogs bring, and this is the first thing that is recommended...

Start your Business as a Blogger

How to Start your Business as a Blogger?

A lot of things changed with the advent of blogging. But most significantly, it made the internet relevant to the average person. Since its birth, there has been a meteoric evolution in blogging into what it is today. While in the beginning, you needed to know HTML coding to start...

shareable blog posts

5 Tips for Writing Shareable Blog Posts

If you don’t have a blog for your business, you’re missing out on a whole lot of highly engaged internet traffic – but it’s not enough just to write blog posts. You have to write smart blog posts – posts that appeal to your potential customers in a way that...


Backlink Strategies for Bloggers: Get on The Top

The goal of every blogger is to get people to discover and engage with their content. However, this is getting increasingly difficult. WordPress accounts are being opened by aspiring bloggers every day, increasing the volume of content available. There is hardly any field that is unique or unsaturated. As a...


5 Blogging Trends to Keep You On the Top in 2019

Is blogging easy? Most people who don’t know much about it think it’s very easy. They think it’s something anyone can do and excel easily. The idea of sitting all day in front of your computer screen with your pajamas on seems fascinating to them. The truth of the matter...


5 Top Ways to Monetize a Blog

A successful blog is a profitable blog. That is probably why so many people are starting blogs right now, hoping that someday they’ll earn their financial freedom. A hobby blog is very different from a business blog. When you want to make money by blogging, you enter a different environment,...


8 Steps to Grow Your Blogging Hobby into a Career

According to Joyce Reynolds, a proficient business coach, hobbies pertain to the things you choose to do. Usually, these are the things you’re likely to enjoy and excel. Therefore, finding for career clues in your choice of interest, hobbies, as well as vocational hobbies will give the best direction for...


How Guest Posts Help Bloggers Themselves

The number of businesses acquiring the services provided by SEO companies in the Philippines is getting higher and higher over time. They are finally realizing how much help SEO can give them during the time known as the “internet age.” SEO uses many strategies in promoting a product or service;...


Is Flat Design Making Our Sites Boring?

The web is a place where new trends travel at the speed of bits, and several new design trends have been heading to displays faster than a neutrino. According to stock photo provider Shutterstock, in 2012, minimalism was one of the top types of images with 1.8 million downloads. This...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas