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Best Student Hacks Every Student Has to Know

To survive the academic career as a student. Apart from studying and being tangled in assignments, you also need to follow life hacks to ease up the drive. Here are the top 35 student hacks to get you going.

Irene Mitchell is a professional content writer with extensive experience in writing academic papers and has been answering help me with my homework calls.

Student Hacks
Best Student Hacks Every Student Has to Know 2
  1. Organize your notes and books by subjects. That way you won’t ever need to fumble through all of them every time. Try shelving them if you have space. Make stickers to mark them as per your convenience.
  2. Colour code your notes for convenience and reachability. Highlight the important parts, use different colours of pens as per relevance.
  3. Use tea bags to get rid of your smelly shoes after a gym or football season. Teabags soak the smelly particles from your sweat and leave them dry and fresh.
  4. Learn presentation styles from here. Use them accordingly to score better in finals. Learn to use templates in Microsoft Powerpoint to present your papers more handsomely.
  5. Make formula lists for numerical based subjects. Keep reading them every now and then until you don’t need them anymore.
  6. Mints help with headaches and sleepiness. Keep a mint on your bag or pencil box for emergencies. Don’t chew them during your classes though.
  7. Make a table of contents for every notebook you have. Leave multiple pages before starting to take notes. After you’ve finished taking notes for the day, register the entry.
  8. Use sticky notes in notebooks to take more effective notes. Use as much as you can. Use multicoloured sticky notes for better visibility.
  9. Make a playlist of your favourite study music to focus better. But only if you prefer listening to music during your study. If not, try getting your hands on noise cancellation earphones to block external noises.
  10. To remove a highlighted text, use a little amount of lime juice on Q-tips.
  11. Drink water when feeling sleepy or having a headache.
  12. Save whenever you can. When you are living on campus, try restricting dine-outs and having a car. Try to share a room with someone else while being on campus.
  13. Cook yourself if you want to go shy on food budgets. Typically, cooking food is considered cheaper and healthier than buying.
  14. Have a washing machine to clean your own clothes. Laundry charges can add up pretty quickly. If you are living with a roommate, share the expense together.
  15. Join social clubs while in school. You’ll soon be able to find your passion and make some friends on the way. Sports and debate clubs are quite popular.
  16. When setting an alarm isn’t enough, try keeping the phone out of your reach. The objective is to get out of bed.
  17. Discuss what you are struggling with, with your friends and professors. They will be able to help. If you are struggling with mental health, reach out to a counsellor.
  18. Respect deadlines. Don’t deliberately miss handing over an assignment. It would help you in long term.
  19. Get a laptop lock. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  20. Use white fonts with black borders when you present something. That way nothing will be missed.
  21. When reheating a Pizza in the microwave, try having some water alongside it. It would help keep the pizza chewy.
  22. Use paper clips to keep the power cables from getting tangled. Don’t pinch them, but keep them separated by the ends.
  23. Learn to use Google effectively. To search a particular phrase, “use quotation marks”.
    For searching particuler filetypes, try putting filetype:pdf after the search term for pdf, and ppt for presentations.
  24. Search youtube for alpha wave study music for kinds of music that promote concentration.
  25. Use the Pomodoro technique to increase your study effectiveness manifolds.
  26. Always use Google docs or something like it that saves your work on the go to write assignments. Don’t rely on Microsoft word.
  27. Use Thesaurus to brighten up your writing.
  28. As no machine needs unnecessary parts. Your thesis or assignment shouldn’t contain any. Briefly make your point and move on.
  29. Go minimal with your study environment. Try having a plant, but no clutter. Clean up your desk once in a while to ensure better focus.
  30. Use Text-to-Speech technologies to hear out your work before you submit it. Helps to spot mistakes that can’t be found otherwise.
  31. Have an email address that sounds professional. Having your favourite anime character as your email address doesn’t help identify you or make a professional impact. Email addresses should be as lowkey as possible.
  32. Make a schedule. The hack is to have a dynamic schedule. Change it weekly for adaptability.
  33. Keep your wardrobe organized. Don’t fumble for clothes when you’re already late for class.
  34. Don’t miss classes. What is taught in the class, often is enough for the finals. Missing a lot of classes will only make you late for revisions.
  35. Always rent textbooks whenever possible. University textbooks are quite expensive and most of them are available for rent from the library.

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