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Girls Building Empires Review: Why is GBE not a scam?

What does it take to become famous on Instagram? You can buy fake followers or use Instagram pods, but that will not make you a brand. You need to build your empire, slowly but surely.

Girls Building Empires is a course and community that gives you the knowledge, motivation, and inspiration to achieve your goals on Instagram. GBE Instagram handle has more than 2.2 million followers. It seems they know what they are talking about. 

Girls Building Empire – The training modules:

The GBE course is divided into 12 chapters or weeks. Each week you will learn about a different aspect starting from choosing a niche to monetizing. Let’s review the course contents and see if it really works.  

Chapter 1: Choose a niche

The GBE course starts from a chapter on niche selection. It’s better if you choose a specific type of content that makes people go “wow.”

Some examples of good niches are foodie Instagram accounts, fitness Instagram accounts, and lifestyle Instagram accounts. If done correctly, these types of content will blow up your account.

Chapter 2: Start With A Plan

You can’t become famous on Instagram without having a plan in place. What’s the plan all about? The plan is the overall strategy you determine before starting an Instagram campaign. 

Before making any decision, write your plan. You should know how you want to monetize your account, what types of content you will create, and the hashtags you will use.

Instagram is a social network that can be very profitable if done right. Every business should have an Instagram page because it allows them to generate leads and increase sales.

Chapter 3: Define your target audience

The best way to become famous on Instagram is by knowing your target audience. If you can meet their needs, they will follow you and buy your products. The third chapter in Girl Building Empires explains the importance and gives you a method to define your audience.

Target audience-based marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads and drive traffic to your website or store. You are also going to get more sponsors and partnerships if your audience is well-defined.  

Chapter 4: Create great content

If you want to become famous on Instagram, you have to create great content. One of the main reasons people follow someone is that they are constantly impressed by the quality of their photos/videos.

The difference between average content and mind-blowing content is that one is overused while the other is unique. If you want to be unique, you need to build your brand by taking different photos. GBE course will give you tips and templates that you can use for creating great content.

If you take all the same photos in the same place simultaneously with the same angle and lighting, this will not make you stand out. Instead, take pictures from a slightly different perspective. 

Chapter 5: Invite engagement

Ask questions. Get people to choose between two different options. Encourage them to express their opinions. Post on relevant topics which are trending. All these things can help you engage people. A higher engagement rate will eventually improve your organic reach. 

Chapter 6: Create viral content

You need to stand out of the crowd to create something viral. That requires some creativity. But it will help if you can get the funds to plan and execute something new. This is where working with small businesses and brands can help.

You do not have to wait to become an Instagram celebrity before you work with sponsors. You can reach out to local businesses or brands with your ideas. Getting sponsors will allow you to create some quality content that you cannot make on your own. It will also help you do some paid promotions on social media. 

Chapter 7: Use proper hashtags and captions

Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags per post, but most marketers run into trouble by using too many hashtags. In fact, it’s better to use only one hashtag that is relevant to your brand and the type of content you’re posting.

If you overuse hashtags, people will think that you’re trying too hard, and this will make them unfollow you. Also, hashtags should be relevant and describe the content in a natural way.

If you want to use more than one hashtag, we recommend checking out RiteTag. This tool helps you find the best hashtags for every post! 

Chapter 8: Post consistently

How to become famous on Instagram? The best time to post is between 2 pm and 5 pm. People are active during this period which means that they will be exposed to your content.

The worst times to post are at 8 am, 10 am, 2 am, and 4 am because people are sleeping at this time. Out of the 8 am, and 10 am slots, one should be used for weekends while the other should be used during the weekdays.

The key is to schedule your posts before going to bed because Instagram updates its algorithm every day. 

Chapter 9: Interact with people

If someone mentions your brand or asks a question, make sure that you acknowledge them. If they have a new post on Instagram, give them a like and follow their account if you enjoy it. This works well because people love to be acknowledged. Once others see that you are following somebody who mentioned your business, this can lead to more people following you.

Chapter 10: Be unique

Don’t copy other people’s IG stories because it will not work. People are on Instagram looking for unique content, so don’t disappoint them by being ordinary. This chapter in the course will show you how to create amazing IG stories.

Chapter 11: Learn from GBE Instagram technique

This chapter will focus on tips and techniques that GBE has used to build a massive fan following. But you shouldn’t stop at following the GBE footsteps; you need to look for inspiration from successful Instagrammers in your niche. 

Chapter 12: Monetize

Keep looking for opportunities to monetize or make money. There’s nothing wrong with this mentality because you will lose motivation if you are not getting anything out of your work. 

There are many ways to monetize your Instagram account. One of the most popular options is creating quality content for brands that will pay you. Another approach is becoming an affiliate marketer or selling your own products.

GBE Review – The Conclusion:

Girls Building Empires is a comprehensive course that can teach you a thing or two about Instagram marketing. It’s reasonably priced at just $99. It can help you build a profitable business while doing what you love, making it an excellent option for girls.

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