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5 Tips for Writing Shareable Blog Posts

If you don’t have a blog for your business, you’re missing out on a whole lot of highly engaged internet traffic – but it’s not enough just to write blog posts. You have to write smart blog posts – posts that appeal to your potential customers in a way that only you can – and making that happen is often easier suggested than done.

Shareable Blog Posts
Shareable blog posts can start anywhere (Source: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/blogging)

The good news is that just like so many other forms of writing, there’s a formula for writing blog posts that work, and it only takes five steps to turn an average piece of writing into a pertinent post that gets all the shares.

Read on for five top tips on writing shareable blog posts.

Make your content easy to find

Spoiler alert: people won’t share your content if they can’t find it. That’s why it’s so important to make your content searchable and give people plenty of opportunities to spot it in the sea of information on the internet.

A search engine optimisation plan is the key to getting found more often. Start by conducting some basic keyword research to find out what people are searching for, and give each piece of content one main keyword. A plugin like Yoast can help you with this stage in the process and make sure you’re optimising correctly.

Then, start sharing what you’ve got! Share your latest blogs on your personal social media profiles (and on your personal brand platform if you have one) and actively encourage your readers to share them with their friends and networks.

Think of your audience

Right now, you might like the idea of absolutely everyone sharing your piece of content – but it’s not about absolutely everyone, because unless you’re selling toilet paper, that’s not your target audience.

Anyone can write something that gets a few laughs, but your blog post needs to target your one ideal customer – the person all of your blog posts, website copy, and social quips are geared towards.

Whenever you sit down to write anything for your business, mentally step into that niche and keep your content focused on what that one person wants to see from you.

Solve a problem

People don’t read your blogs for fun – they read them because they have a problem to solve, and the value of your blog is determined by the quality of the solution you provide.

That’s why long-form blogs (1000+ words) have become so popular. They give you, as the writer, plenty of space to introduce the problem, agitate it just enough, and present an effective solution.

Just be wary of waffling – no one wants to read 1000 words of sub-par quality writing that rambles. The idea is to break a sizable problem down into manageable chunks that deliver quick wins – because once your reader gleans a few nuggets of wisdom, they’ll be excited to share them with all of their friends. 

shareable blog post connects the reader
A shareable blog post connects with the reader (Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/xKJUnFwfz3s)

Nail your headline

The average attention span of a human being is getting shorter all the time, which is exactly why this point is so critical. If your headline fails to grab your reader, you will have already lost them.

This goes some way to explaining why seasoned copywriters follow the 50/50 rule, spending at least 50% of their time on the headline and the opening statement of any piece of writing and the rest on everything else.

In a practical sense, your headline sets the tone for the article and lets people know what they can expect. There’s just something about a headline that makes that end goal feel easy – like “how to lose 10 kilograms in 5 weeks” or “7 ways to make your skin glow” – but there are also plenty of tried and tested headline-writing techniques you can use.

Check your tone

There is a lot of content on the internet – so much so that it can be difficult to work out how you might stand out from the competition, but with the right tone, it’s always possible.

In copywriting terms, your tone becomes your brand, and your brand hints at the experience customers can expect when they choose to work with you.

That’s why it’s so important that your content communicates not just the product or service you’re offering, but the kind of person you are.

Want to nail it? Make sure every piece of writing for your brand is interesting and fun to read. If you can mimic the thoughts swirling around your reader’s head, you’ll be one more step ahead of your competitors. Whatever you do, don’t be boring.

Shareable blog posts can quickly become cornerstones of your brand, bringing in new customers and encouraging referrals from existing ones – and with these tips in your toolkit, you have all the strategic knowledge you need to start creating your own.

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar of James James says:

    great tips. Thank you for the post. Keep posting more

  2. Avatar of Elena Elena says:

    Hey there,
    Thanks for sharing an article that is not just stating the tips to convince Google that your article is rankable. You have mentioned tips that would get real valuable traffic. Your content is well written and to the point. Thanks 🙂

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