How To Make Tomato Paste

tomato pasteTomato paste is a thick paste made by adding sugar to ripened tomatoes with skin and seeds removed. Tomato paste is thicker than tomato sauce or tomato puree. You can use the tomato paste to make a fresh spaghetti sauce, lasagna, or other tomato-based meals.

Tomato Paste Recipe

Lemon juice

Procedure on how to make tomato paste:

1. Choose matured ripe and fresh tomatoes.
2. Immerse 1 or 2 times in boiled water for 2 minutes. Deep in cold water to remove the outer skin.
3. Remove the skin and slice lengthwise to remove the seeds.
4. Add the extracts to the pulp and boil for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
5. Allow the pulp to pass through a coarse strainer while retaining the seeds.
6. Place the mixture in a container and boil for 15 minutes at slow fire.
7. For every kilo of the pulp mixture, add 1 tsp. salt.
8. Cook until desired consistency.
9. Transfer to sterilized bottles and boil uncovered for 45 minutes. Water level must be 2/3 full so as to avoid entry into the containers.
10. Close the containers tightly and boil again for 35 minutes. Cool and store in a dry place.

1. If you want to have a smooth tomato paste, just pour the tomatoes into food processor, blender or even a chopper, and blend until it is smooth.
2. by adding 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid per quart of paste, helps in reducing spoilage and retaining color and flavor.

Source: Food and Technology Research and Development Program NIST (NSTA),

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