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Are you considering availing yourself of landscape supply services? It is always a wise idea to leave it to the professionals as they are experts in the industry and know how to make the most out of your budget. However, if you are purchasing the supplies yourself, it is best to purchase in bulk quantities. 

Landscape Supplies

By bulk quantities, we do not mean purchasing for the whole neighborhood; instead, we mean buying a full wheelbarrow. You can always customize the quantity of supplies for your project. There are plenty of benefits when it comes to purchasing landscape supplies in bulk. 

Firstly, it is cost-efficient as buying in bulk quantities comes with discounted prices. Secondly, you do not have to travel every time you run out of rocks, sand, or mulch as you have products in bulk quantity, which saves you time and effort. Not only this but purchasing supplies in bulk also ensures consistency in materials and uniformity in landscape. 

However, you must ensure you select a reputed landscape supplies services providers. This helps ensure you get quality materials at affordable rates. 

Benefits of Purchasing Landscape Supplies in Bulk 

Cost efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of purchasing landscape supplies in bulk is the cost savings. Landscape projects involve sizeable areas, which often require plenty of mulch. Paying a visit to the supply store every time you run out of mulch to purchase individual bags can be really frustrating for you and will also impact your budget. 

Also, when you purchase supplies at the per-unit rate, they are typically lower than bagged materials, which results in big overall savings. Some landscape supply companies offer discounted rates to bulk purchasers. 

Uniformity in appearance

To achieve a beautiful, lush landscape, you must pay attention to detail. One aspect that is often overlooked is the consistency of the landscape. Although the names look the same when you purchase individual supply bags, they are different in texture, color, and quality. 

By purchasing supplies in bulk quantities, you can ensure consistency in appearance and make the landscape more appealing. 

Saves time and effort

Time is precious. However, a lot of time is wasted when you have to make frequent visits to the landscape supply store, load the supplies, and transport them back to the location. 

You have plenty of material when you purchase bulk, and you do not have to visit the store frequently to buy more products. The time you spend traveling to the store, loading the materials, and transporting them to the location can be better allocated to designing, planting, and perfecting your landscape. 

Environmental considerations

In today’s world, where being eco-friendly matters, the materials you pick for landscaping count. 

Choosing to get supplies in bulk quantity is a good move for the environment. For example, if we talk about mulch, unlike mulch in bags, which usually have lots of plastic wrapping, bulk mulch usually comes in bigger containers or piles. This means less plastic waste from your landscaping, which is better for the planet.

Less packaging waste

It is not only environmentally friendly but also saves you time and effort. Although bagged materials are convenient, they produce a lot of plastic and paper waste, which must be disposed of properly. 

However, when you purchase materials in bulk quantity, there is less packaging, which means you will have to spend less time cleaning the space after the landscaping procedure. 

Long-term savings

Buying supplies in bulk not only saves money upfront but also brings many long-term benefits. 

If we talk about mulch, it is known to protect the soil. This means you do not have to water as much. It also stops weeds from growing, saving you from lots of hard weeding work. 

Plus, it keeps the soil temperature right for your plants to thrive. Choosing to get mulch in bulk sets you up for saving more in the long run by using less water, cutting down on chores, and helping your plants live longer.


While it may sound tempting to purchase landscape supplies in bagged units due to their convenience, buying in bulk quantities is way more beneficial. 

Buying supplies in bulk quantities saves you time and effort by preventing frequent visits to the supply store. Also, it ensures consistency in landscape appearance, making it look more beautiful and appealing. 

Not only this, but it is also environmentally friendly as less paper and plastic is wasted on packaging, reducing the time and effort required for post-work cleanup. 

Working with a reputed landscape supply company such as Synergy Contracting ensures you get quality supply materials suitable for your landscape at affordable prices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it cheaper to buy bags of gravel?

It all depends on the quantity you purchase and the price per yard versus bag. Generally, buying in bulk by the yard tends to be cheaper, but you must do a price comparison to be sure. 

2. How many 50 lb bags of gravel in a yard?

This varies depending on the size and density of the gravel. However, typically, around 13.5 bags of gravel are in a cubic yard. 

3. How much will 1 ton of gravel cover?

The coverage depends on various factors, such as the desired thickness of the coverage and the type of gravel. However, typically, 1 ton of gravel can cover approximately 100 square feet at a depth of 2 inches. 

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