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Things You Can Do to Clean Your Fountain Pump

Having a water feature with a fountain in your location is a wonderful idea. It offers a tranquil environment for relaxation and winding down after a hectic day. Getting the most from your fountain requires adequate maintenance and care. A fountain has a pump that needs appropriate care to keep in functioning efficiently. Read on to discover how you clean your fountain pump.

Things You Can Do to Clean Your Fountain Pump 2

Regular fountain maintenance is very important to lessen the chances of issues that might develop in your fountain pump. Using distilled water for an indoor fountain limits mineral deposits that might accumulate in the pump parts and tubes. This might cause poor pump flew and eventual breakdown of your fountain. Alternatively, chemical treatment can substitute distilled water to inhibit or eliminate current buildup in the pump.

For an outdoor fountain, there is no need to use distilled water. However, you have to keep checking your fountain pump regularly during active seasons. This allows looking out for items including algae, leaves, and other debris that might get into the pump impeller. It might cause winding around of the drive shaft making it work slower or not work at all.

How to clean a fountain pump

Opening the pump cover

The best fountains pumps  whether outdoors or indoor models come with a protective housing or pump cover. You have to disconnect the pump from the power supply before removing the cover. Clean the housing and cover before opening to access the internal components. After opening the cover, identifying debris or algae wrapped on the magnetic impeller is easy. Free up this part with a gentle hand until nothing remains for this vital part to function properly.

Limiting accumulation of debris

If you have many pets at home, wrap the pump inside its cover and wrap it in a piece of cloth such as pantyhose before sealing both ends. This works as a powerful filter to lessen the accumulation of debris that might enter the pump. A buildup of debris might reduce the speed of the pump and fixing this might require disassembling the pump continually.

Protection from harsh weather

You have to take your pump indoors during the winter months. This lessens chances of some of the pump parts from getting significantly damaged. It is important to understand that some pump parts can’t survive the freezing temperatures and might get severely damaged. The rule of thumb is to read the manufacturer’s recommendations on what to do with your pump during winter. This will tell you the best way to maintain your pump. 

Common problems to look out for

Humming or vibrating pump

A fountain pump might give off humming sounds or seem to vibrate when it needs to be entirely submerged in water. This usually causes vibrating of fountain pumps. Always ensure that the fountain pump is not bumping on the fountain side. Perhaps use a piece of rubber or Scotch Brite pad for cushioning between the pump and fountain  to prevent the sound.

Water overflow

Overflowing water when the pump is off might be resulting from too much water in the fountain. Always keep the water at a particular level to limit overflowing. Always balance the water to limit too much or little water. When the pump is on, the water level should be above ¾ of an inch from the fountain top. With this, the pump will empty the water when the fountain  is turned off without causing overflowing.

No water flow

There is also a likelihood of noticing no water flow from your fountain pump. The first thing to do is to check the pump tubing. Ensure that the tubing is securely connected on the pump and is free from crimping or twisting. Perhaps everything is intact. Gently tap the pump on a solid surface to ensure the impeller has not shifted and requires moving back into place. 

If tapping does not give positive results, the pump needs disassembling to examine the impeller. There is a likelihood of debris accumulation making the impeller stuck and failing to turn. The solution is to remove the impeller and clean it. You should also clean the pump by removing algae using a toothbrush to eliminate buildup. A pipe cleaner to clean the tubing eliminates clogs and debris. Place a small pantyhose over the pump to work as a filter for keeping debris out.

Benefits of a well maintain the fountain

  • Wonderful relaxation spot
  • Venue for holding parties
  • Enhancing aesthetic appeal
  • Enhancing the value of your property
  • Becoming the center pierce in your outdoors

Bottom line

Taking the plunge to invest in a fountain is one aspect of enhancing the ambiance of your outdoors. It is equally important to invest in a quality fountain pump and to have a maintenance schedule. Proper maintenance will enhance the life of your pump. Proper maintenance and care for your fountain pump eliminate issues that might begin as minor annoyances only to destabilize the efficiency of your water feature.

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