
How to Receive More TikTok Fans & Followers – 13 Tricks For Creators

Lots of social media platforms available in the market to promote your content. But, gaining millions of followers to your profile is a challenge, and it requires a lot of effort, time, planning, and creative thoughts. Similar to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, TikTok is one of the most popular online celebrities with millions of users and followers. 

tiktok fans

Moreover, if you want to become popular, you have to create an excellent video clip with attractive editing features. There are various strategies you can use to grow your following on TikTok and get amazing engagement. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss the 13 unbelievable tips and tricks to achieve more fans and followers faster to your TikTok account. 

#1. Have A Completed Profile

If your TikTok profile is incomplete, you will not impress massive audiences. It’s important to make an eye-catchy profile with all the needed information to build genuine followers. 

Nowadays, plenty of people try to make viral content, use different editing tools to grab their audience’s attention. But they forget to concentrate on their profile so, you have to spend some time to complete your profile with all the essential information that will help your audience to know about you. 

#2. Follow & Unfollow Popular Creators 

With follow and unfollow techniques, you can gain the most influential audience attention on TikTok. Figure out the most familiar and popular users in your industry and follow & unfollow their profile until they follow you back. 

This strategy actually works well because, after some attempts, the member will look at your profile and follow you back if they like your profile. 

#3. Make Unique Content 

Content is the basis and most valuable strategy to garner more followers and turn viewers into long-term followers. While creating content on TikTok, look at your competitor’s account and watch what type of content they post and how well they perform on the platform. 

You can see lots of people doing dancing and lip syncing videos. But you don’t follow the same technique, and you need to use your own strategy to create killer videos. 

#4. Post Content Regularly 

Like other social media platforms, you need plenty of engagement and interaction to get your posts in front of a wider audience. It means the more you post, the more chance you will get to be featured on the TikTok For You feed. 

If you’re looking to receive a huge audience to your TikTok account, you can simply use TikTok editing features and create new content on a regular basis. Because TikTok offers various editing features for creators to make their videos more compelling and attractive. 

#5. TikTok Duet Are Great 

A most powerful way for expanding your TikTok fan base is to collaborate with other TikTok users. Duet is an amazing feature to achieve your goal and will also boost your TikTok video likes and content visibility, so you can reach a new group of people. TikTok duet functionality enables you to perform with another user without a face-to-face meeting. 

Both of your videos appear in a side-by-side square format on your screen. It is a creative content format to interact with other users’ videos directly, create new and unique content and build existing stories. 

#6. Use Suitable Hashtags

Hashtags are great for your video discoverability, and they will increase the chance to invite more followers to your TikTok profile. Using trending and significant hashtags for your videos is the strategy to obtain more people to view your posts. 

Before using hashtags in your videos, It’s important to determine which is most effective and trending on the TikTok platform. In addition, you have to utilize the combination of general and content-specific hashtags that will help you to show your content to loyal audiences. 

#7. Use Of Killer Music

Music is the key to amaze your audience’s attention and become popular on the TikTok page. You can see there are the most popular TikTok videos that include attractive and quality music. Many people love to hear melody songs. Hence, you can try to get more attention by choosing suitable and fantastic background music/songs. 

TikTok offers an app music library function to find new and trending songs. Moreover, you can also use the “For You” and “Discover” tab to figure out new songs from popular creators. 

#8. Focus On High Quality Videos 

High quality content is a great strategy to get high visibility and get a good amount of followers to your profile. If your video has valuable content, but the quality is not enough, there is a chance that people don’t like to watch your videos. 

To enhance your TikTok video quality, you need to have a good camera or smartphone, attractive background, effective light settings, and more. It will help your content to encourage people to watch your videos and engage with them. 

#9. Share Your Videos On Other Channel

It is a great practice to get considerable fans and followers to your TikTok account. Share your video on other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You will get the chance to capture huge attention and encourage people to look back at your TikTok profile. 

This strategy is called cross promotion, and in this way, you can connect with external audiences. In addition, sharing your TikTok profile on other social media channels is the best way to attract more followers and invite more followers on TikTok easier. 

#10. Engage With The Content You Enjoy

One more beneficial strategy to boost your TikTok followers is simply looking at other users’ content and finding out what they are doing. Engaging with other users’ content is the best way to grow the number of followers on TikTok. 

For every social media platform, comments are a significant way to interact with huge audiences directly. So, engaging with the videos posted by popular influencers or creators will help you to build a strong following around your industry. 

#11. Posting At Peak Hours

When you know your target audiences’ active hours and days, increasing followers on TikTok becomes much easier. TikTok offers the pro account feature for creators to access the analytics tab. So, you can easily discover the peak time of your audiences who are active online and where they are at. 

Afterward, you can utilize that particular time zone to show your content in front of a huge audience and receive loyal followers!

#12. Come Up With Hashtag Challenges

You can see many challenges that go viral from week to week on the TikTok app. Try to make viral challenge videos with hashtags in your content to get immense followers. Most popular TikTok accounts create dance challenges and then encourage their audiences to create or recreate the same challenges and then upload them on TikTok. 

You can hashtag challenges in two different ways, one is to create amazing challenges and promote them to your audiences, and the other one is participating in other users’ challenges. It will increase the chances to entirely reach new followers in TikTok. 

#13. Track Right Metrics 

Analytics is the essential key factor to develop your content strategy and reach millions of followers quickly. If you have a TikTok pro account, you can easily measure your overall performance, such as your best content, followers activity, engagement rate, audience demographic, and profile growth in the last 7 to 28 days. 


I hope the above mentioned tips and strategies will help you to maximize your fans and followers count on TikTok. We know that with every success, people face more struggles to achieve their goals. In this blog post, you can see all the major and important points to gain more TikTok followers faster and get better engagement!

Author Bio: 

Alison Williams is a social media content writer who works at Flatfitty. She is an experienced social media analyst. Her passion is to contribute to engaging content for authority blogs and websites. You can also visit her online at Twitter.com!

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