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Why should old and new enterprises think about leveraging Coveo for Sitecore?

The cloud is the new normal for enterprises and website owners. Every small and medium business is now interested in adopting cloud technology like their larger counterparts. Those that are still waiting to migrate to the cloud are unsure about the cost efficiency and unique benefits that the cloud can bring for them. Any smart entrepreneur should weigh the pros and cons before moving their company and customer data to a new “site.” So, we completely understand if you are still waiting for a comprehensive list of advantages that Coveo cloud can offer to your company.

What is Coveo for Sitecore?

Coveo provides predictive search technologies to enterprise sites running on Sitecore. It brings intelligent, advanced and relevant search on the table for every Sitecore user. Its cognitive search technologies come with integrated plug-ins that allows custom-integrations with other applications. It enables the unified indexing of several repositories, usage analytics, and searches management by leveraging the Sitecore console. Right now, Coveo for Sitecore is available in four editions –Pro, Pro Could, Enterprise and Enterprise Cloud. It makes the Sitecore websites user-friendly and relevant via product integration.

Here are a few benefits of installing Coveo for your Sitecore website –

It is a premium enterprise search engine

The Gartner report stated that Coveo for Sitecore might even be better than Google in enterprise search. It has a few unique traits that make Coveo incredibly powerful.

  1. It has flexible conversational search options for reducing the confusion in search results.
  2. The UX features are perfect for mobile users.
  • It has powerful delivery options that include on-premise models and hybrid cloud options.

Coveo for Sitecore is perfect for all kinds of enterprise search premises. Its smooth and powerful UI comes from the integration of the Sitecore Experience Platform (xDB) to the search options. It gives the marketers the power to target the website visitors with personalized search results. It provides all website owners the chance to match the visitor personas to the user personas in real-time.

Easy to install and full of goodies

Setting up Coveo is quite simple. Coveo comes with a plug-and-play integration option. If you want to install it, you can have it running in less than an hour as long as you have the right Sitecore version and updated engines. Choosing Coveo is not an expense, but an investment. Installing it and launching it will instantly correspond to a significantly high ROI. Coveo comes with an out-of-the-box UI that helps in improving a site’s dwell time and conversion rate almost immediately.

It comes with scores of out-of-the-box features including 40 languages, customizable user experience, and targeted search results. In addition to the regular list of results, it offers “did you mean?” results and supports thesaurus components. The users can narrow the results down using pre-defined attributes. Your Sitecore website can have all of these high-end features too; you just need the right Coveo Sitecore support. Look for the Sitecore Partner in your locality, who can understand your brand personality, ideals, and goals. Finding a certified Sitecore Partner who can also help you out with Coveo integration can transform the future of your company.

It does not demand the knowledge of coding

Right now, Coveo uses a JavaScript-powered UI that does not weigh the server down. Every time a user opens the Sitecore site, their browser generates the search UI entirely on the client-side. The clean and easy-to-understand code does not increase the loading time of the web pages. The code compilation is in TypeScript that provides a distinct separation between the application layers. It eliminates ASP.NET from the equation and reduces the complexity of the code significantly. All search queries go via the Coveo REST API and results come back in JSON. Each Coveo powered Sitecore website is capable of delivering a highly customizable and expressive UI with the help of the simplicity of the JS code.

It provides access to Sitecore website attributes

You or your Sitecore Partner can manage Coveo for Sitecore search configuration through the Sitecore Page Editor and Content Editor UI. It helps the content authors and marketers to take control of the search. The website owners and content authors can take care of the page controls, template filters, customization options, infinite scroll and content sorting all by themselves. Any layperson can leverage the Sitecore Rules Engine in the UI to create personalized search results. All the functional details of Coveo for Sitecore lies in the web-based, backend administration. It can give you access to your ranking algorithms, search indexes, test queries, view logs, and other tasks. It can also provide all Sitecore users access to their thesaurus and the editing options of all website attributes. Coveo has one of the simplest backend accesses that demands no command-lines or off-brand tools.

Coveo gives the website owners all power

All versions of Coveo for Sitecore gives the website owner, content developer and administrator access to multiple data sources during the content search. Coveo uses its connector technology to create a wholesome search index. This unified search index can give all users a unified access point to the potential data. Apart from the Sitecore website database, this includes SharePoint, OpenText, Twitter, Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. However, Coveo follows all the security permissions applicable to your Sitecore content. It sticks to early-binding security. The search engine filters out all secure documents before the end of the search. Till date, experts have found it to be more efficient than the late-binding process that involves the simple removal of the secure search results from the results list.

Coveo for Sitecore is a value-adding integration that simplifies the management, database integration, and enterprise search options. Mastering Coveo does not require endless practice and coding expertise. You can learn to work on this advanced and intuitive enterprise search system within a couple of days. In the meanwhile, you should search for a certified partner, who has enough experience and training in managing Coveo for Sitecore.

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