How to Start a Fish Ball Vending Business

Fish ball can be seen in any part of the city and in provinces sold in a small mobile cart by street vendors. This kind of business ventures require small capital but can generate good profit.

fish ball vending business

Fish Ball Vending Business

I. Estimated Investment Costs

A. Costs of Utensils

Kitchen Spoon
Php 89.00
Frying Pan
Php 52.00
Php 155.00
Php 296.00
B. EquipmentCost
Kerosene Stove
Php 400.00
Food Cart (wooden type w/ wheels)
Php 3,500.00
Php 3,900.00

C. Raw Materials/ Ingredients Packaging Materials

Raw Materials
Unit Price
Fish Balls
1 Kg
Php 25.00
Cooking Oil (2L/ day)
0.166L Php 9.13
Kerosene Gas (1L/ day)
0.083L Php 3.50
Sweet and Sour Sauce
Water 1/2 cup
Vinegar 3 tbsp
Php 0.47
Sugar 1/4 tbsp
Php 0.10
Cornstarch 1 tbsp
Php 0.42
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Php 0.15
Oil 2 tbsp
Php 3.00
Catsup 3 tbsp
Php 1.74
Siling Labuyo, chopped)
1 pc
Php 0.10
Sweet Sauce
Water 1/2 cup
Soy Sauce
1 tbsp
Php 0.47
Brown Sugar
1 tbsp
Php 0.36
MSG 1/2 tsp
Php 0.43
Garlic powder
2 tsp
Php 2.74
Black Pepper
2 tsp
Php 5.79
Php 28.40
Packaging Material
Hotdog Paper Tray (P 15 for 50 pcs)
18 pcs
Php 5.40
Wooden Stick (P 12 for 100 pcs)
18 pcs
Php 2.16
Subtotal Php 7.56
Estimated Total Investment Cost
Php 60.96

II. Procedure
1. Select new delivery of fish balls in the wet market.
2. Place the pack of fish ball in the freezer.
3. To sell fish balls, heat oil in a frying pan before putting the raw fish ball. Deep frying is required.
4. The fish balls are cooked once they float to the surface.
5. Skewer in barbecue sticks and soak in sauce.

For the Sweet and Sour Sauce
1. In 1/2 cup of water mixed all ingredients mentioned above.
2. Put it in a pan for heating.
3. Cook until translucent texture is obtained.
4. Same procedures are to be followed in making sweet sauce.

III. Estimated Costing and Pricing

A. Product Costing
Direct Cost
Particulars Cost
Raw Material (1 Kg. Fish ball)
Php 25.00
Ingredients used for 1 Kg
Php 28.40
Packaging Material
Php 7.56
Total Direct Cost
Php 60.96
Indirect Cost
Particulars Cost
Labor cost (Php 100 per day/ 12 Kg)
Php 8.33
Transportation cost (Php 50.00 per day/ 12 Kg)
Php 4.17
Contingency cost (10% of Direct cost)
Php 6.10
Total Indirect Cost
Php 18.60
Production Cost
Particulars Cost
Total Direct Cost
Php 60.96
Add: Total Indirect Cost
Php 18.60
Total over the 180 pcs yield
Php 79.56/ 180 pcs
Estimated Production Cost per pc
Php 0.44
B. Product Pricing
Particulars Cost
Production Cost per pc
Php 0.44
Add: 10% mark- up of the production cost
Php 0.04
Selling price per piece
Php 0.48
Market price per piece
Php 0.50

* The higher the volume sold per day (more than 12 Kg), the lower the production cost, thus increasing the mark-up to more than 10%. The higher the mark-up the higher the profit margin.
* If price per piece is lower compared with the existing market price, increase mark-up to 10% or more.

IV. Registration Requirements.
Click here on How to register your Fish Ball Vending Business

Sources: DTI, BMSMED


    I would like to start this kind of business. I can get hold of you by Oct. 20

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