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Ecommerce Marketing: 6 Tips For A Winning Strategy

Ecommerce marketing basically is how you can boost the traffic to your company and

convince them to buy your products. There are a lot of tips and techniques that are required for successful ecommerce marketing.

SEO optimization, improvement on product pages, caring about customers and their preferences, are the points you need to consider working on for your ecommerce marketing.

ecommerce marketing
Ecommerce Marketing: 6 Tips For A Winning Strategy 3

First of all, the ecommerce field is highly competitive and unique due to having the presence of millions of ecommerce stores on the internet. So,to make your business unique and stand out in the millions, you’ll have to consider building a strong ecommerce marketing strategy.

Your customers will expect their shopping to be done by a wide and brief product page,

where there will be a good number of customer reviews and instant customer service. They also will be needing a properly working mobile-friendly website to make the process easy. And last but not the least, an ecommerce marketer needs to be good at technology which in the case of the other industries, is not required at all. To learn more about the best ecommerce script, check the other well-known ecommerce stores.

Here in this article, we have discussed some tips on how you can successfully run your ecommerce store and stand out in the crowd.


1. Make a good impression on your customers with your great website :

It should be your top priority to make a strong first impression which you can achieve by creating an attractive and visually appealing website with great features and fonts. The next thing you need to consider improving or creating is the user experience. The experience of a customer or visitor is the main criteria to grow your business faster.

So there are some factors you should check while improving or building your website:

  • If you are not willing to make a huge investment to create or fix your website with a web developer, you can use some third-party web builder app to help create your

ecommerce companies’ websites. This platform you use is the main bone of your ecommerce website which can affect your marketing strategy.

Before you make a decision, make sure to check properly how each marketing will be different for each field.

  • Always create things as per your customer’s preference, see things from your

on the customer’s side, how will they think about your products and services? What steps would they follow?

  • A mobile-friendly website is very much needed for on an average 44% of people, who are using an android smartphone.
  • Make sure to prioritize cybersecurity if you’re providing credit cards or other online payment options.
  • Last but not the least, always put high-resolution photos and videos of products on your site to make your customers understand and see clearly about that particular product.

2. Promote your business with content marketing:

Starting a content marketing operation will be very helpful for your business to promote it and for your SEO as well.

The first thing you need to check while creating content for your product pages is

what type of content an ecommerce business needs for its product pages. Next task is to keep the content of your product page clear and brief, so that the customers get interested in learning through the detailed texts.

Content marketing can also be about producing long blog posts as well. A lot of big companies use this technique for their business.

Ecommerce companies with almost $150K in revenue produce an average of 35

articles per year, but the small companies who are under that mark produce around an average of 25.

There are other kinds of content marketing available for ecommerce such as video marketing, social network marketing, podcasts, slideshows etc.

So as you can see, if you are creating any type of content to get the attention of viewers and make them stay longer on your page, then the content is preferable. The idea is to build the awareness of your company and promote to the consumers,

resulting in huge traffic on your website.

3. Boost the traffic with SEO :

Search engine optimization for ecommerce sites follows the same rules as general SEO does. Also, different ecommerce sites need a little bit of a different strategy for optimization.

Ecommerce SEO also includes keyword search like another general SEO.

In-market keywords should be the choice of e-commerce consumers so that it can help to target consumers who are most likely in the low level of the buying cycle.

Do not forget to improve your pages, as well as the page titles, headers, etc. Also, insert all the keywords, descriptions. Although these descriptions do not affect the rank of the search engine, it is important to provide context to get the attention of customers.

4. Engage with customers review and comment :

Customer’s review or feedback is very important to build the trust of other customers. People won’t just believe you if you keep promoting or saying good things about your product, they will only trust the people who have bought and had great experience

with that product.

Do not ignore the negative reviews, try to engage with your customers and learn what they complained about and how you can improve your product.

Positive reviews on the other hand make you feel motivated and produce more good products further.

5. Use social media to promote your products:

Sometimes, customers do not just directly visit your site and purchase products, they see some shoppable products on social media advertisements and then click on that to purchase. Instagram and facebook are the most popular social media for ecommerce marketing, with their high-resolution posts and easily clickable contents. Make sure to learn more about the best ecommerce script by going through the other ecommerce companies’ websites.

Another way you can promote your products in social media is through influencer marketing.

You can collaborate with the most popular social media influencers to help in promoting your products as well.

6. Find your target audience through PPC marketing:

Pay-per-click advertising is a very quick and easy way to get in touch with your

customers who are searching for your products. The process is very simple, they just search for a product by typing its name and then get the first product of your company as the search result.

Google Ads being the most popular PPC network can help your customers get the right product by offering them shopping ads and the whole product listings.

YouTube ads and display ads are also part of Google ads, which can be useful for ecommerce as well. There are also other ad platforms such as Microsoft Ads and Facebook.



Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He love to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development.

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