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10 Automotive Components Every Vehicle Owner Should Know About

A vehicle is an integral part of an individual’s life, whether they use it for commercial or personal purposes. But if you need to take your vehicle to a service centre when something seems off, knowing something about its maintenance helps tremendously. It also helps with an overall better understanding of how your car works and what you can do in different situations.

Every automobile has a number of complex parts that help in its long-term functioning. They are manufactured all over the globe using advanced technological methods and precision. You can also find a variety of car components at www.sunwayautoparts.com. It includes engine, lights, gearbox, drive axle, brakes, suspension, steering, etc.

Automotive Components
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/p7tai9P7H-s

Most Important Automobile Components & Parts

There was a time when people knew everything about their vehicle – how it worked, what parts it had, and how to fix it. But as their building started getting complex, people only cared about how smoothly it worked and how it looked. If you are a car owner, understanding your vehicle’s vital parts and explaining what is wrong with them is a skill that comes in handy when you least expect it.

Here is a list of all car parts that you should know about to become an educated consumer.


An engine is the most crucial component of a vehicle by all accords. It is also considered the heart of a car as its overall performance depends on its engine. Types of fuels used by engines are diesel, petrol, CNG, ethanol, gasoline, biodiesel, propane, hydrogen, and electricity.

Car owners are advised to regularly change engine oil to keep their vehicles well-lubricated and prevent wear and tear.


When a vehicle fails, the gearbox or transmission is something that commonly needs attention. It consists of different gears that the car needs to shift into according to the car’s speed. Their role is to transfer the engine’s power to the wheels. Transmission is available in manual and automatic models.


Another essential component of a vehicle is the brakes. Whether it is a car, or a bike or a bicycle, brakes play a crucial role. They help reduce and halt the speed of a vehicle when you are stuck in traffic or crossing the speed limit.

When you apply brakes, hydraulic fluid is transmitted through the pipes to the wheels of your vehicle. Nowadays, cars come with preinstalled sensors that sense the necessity of braking and taking action automatically. But if you have a manual system, it is crucial to maintain the brake pads as they can crack with age.

hydraulic fluid
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/V37iTrYZz2E

Oil Filters

Oil filters are essential in removing dust and abrasive particles from your engine oil. Because such particles can cause harm to your engine and even cause malfunction, filters are needed to segregate the engine oil from unwanted debris.


Chassis is the frame of a vehicle that supports various parts, such as brakes, engine, steering, tires, axle, etc. It acts as the skeleton system of a car by keeping the vehicle stiff and tensile. Various chassis are used in cars, such as backbone chassis, ladder chassis, and monochrome chassis.


A battery is a rechargeable instrument in any vehicle that provides power. It usually provides energy to start a car but can also be used when extra power is needed. Because it is connected to your car lights and radio, leaving them ON for too long can drain the battery.

A drained battery is not suitable for your car as it can cause unnecessary damage. Your car may show early signs of wear and tear if you keep it in the same condition. So, it is advisable to turn OFF the radio and lights as soon as the car halts.


An axle is a bar used in turning the wheels of a car. The front axle and the back axle usually have a differential in the middle that joins the front and back tires. This solid metal helps the two pairs of tires running at the back and front move simultaneously. If you add more weight to the car, the turning capacity of the axle will drop down.

Rust is the worst enemy of an axle as it leads to faulty performance and causes breakdowns. So, please note the axle’s product design the next time you visit the supplier for replacement.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/xmJX63TAHUE

Fuel Injector

A fuel injector provides fuel to the engine by using a nozzle to deliver just the right amount. It has increased the efficiency of diesel and gas engines. As a clogged injector might cause poor idling and bad engine performance, cleaning the injector can help the car perform better.

AC Compressor

An AC compressor provides cold air inside your car during hot, sultry weather. It compresses the refrigerant so that the refrigerant can change from gas to liquid. This component operates well as long as there are no leaks or other problems in the system.


A clutch transfers the power from your car engine to the transmission. It is operated by a pedal located on the left side of the other two pedals. When you press the clutch, the power from the engine no longer transfers to the wheels, which allows you to shift gears. It helps you smoothly transfer engine power to the transmission so that the tires run powerfully.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/wjsbdnWotC0

To Sum Up

With the advancement in the economy, more and more people are buying cars. Therefore, an automobile has become a crucial part of our society. People spend lakhs and even crores on a vehicle and even more on its maintenance and repairs. That is why it is important to regularly maintain your car and get to know more about it to avoid unnecessary expenses.

The ten car components and parts mentioned above will help you maintain your car and understand it better the next time it breaks down. If you have gone through the whole list, the chances are that you know more about your car than most people.

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