Category: Others

Film Industry

Fostering Inclusion in the Film Industry

To say that Hollywood is behind with inclusiveness isn’t just becoming more commonly evident—it’s a mathematical certainty. While NPR reports that half of the US population identify as female and nearly 40% of Americans identify as being part of an underrepresented racial or ethnic group, the representation of them on-screen...


5 Steps to Take After a Fire or Flood Affects Your Business

Fire and floods are among the most common and serious emergencies that can affect your business. While these occurrences are stressful, you should take immediate steps to reclaim and rebuild your business. Like other emergencies, the cardinal rule of handling fire and flood disasters is having a clear disaster recovery...

Protect Your Business Assets

How to Protect Your Business Assets If You’re Arrested

Getting arrested is every asset owner’s nightmare. Your employees, clients, or other businesses can file lawsuits against you that can lead to you being arrested. It can cost you a lot of money when arrested. Here are some things you should do to ensure that your business assets are protected...


Seven Reasons Why Renting a Trailer is the Right Decision

Some people would rather rent a trailer to haul their goods because they do not want the hassle and expense of purchasing one, or it might not fit into their budget. Others think that renting is better than owning since you can save money by dropping off your load early...

Executive Mistakes

Top 5 Executive Mistakes That Ruin Your Business

Business executives make decisions that make or break a brand. These decisions affect the lives of your employees, operations at work, relations with associates, and the eventual future of your brand. Interestingly, the success or failure of a business does not depend on singular decisions. You might make 90% good...

custom essay writing services

Are Custom Essay Writing Services Helpful? A Definitive Guide

Professional custom essay writing services employ experts who possess the requisite knowledge and experience in the field. The professional services employ people who are well-read and familiar with the various parameters used in the process. This helps the writer to save time and earn a high payment per page. The...

Can I Hold My Employer Liable For A Truck Accident? 1

Can I Hold My Employer Liable For A Truck Accident?

Truck accidents cause considerable injuries and fatalities to victims. When such happens, liability may boil down to single or multiple defendants. To employees, such liability may fall on the driver himself or the employer. If you have suffered injuries after a truck accident as an employee, your employer may be...

best-selling consoles

Top 5 Best-Selling Consoles In the Philippines

It is no secret that people all over the world love video games. Sometimes back video games were associated with kids and youth. However, people of all ages now enjoy video games not only as a hobby but also to inspire their inner selves. Video games are consumed differently in...

work license

How to Avoid Losing Your Work License

When you are dealing with daily activities, your work license can be at risk. You should always be disciplined and minimize the loss of your work license at all times. It takes time to acquire a work license. It would be best if you stuck by the law that governs...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas