Goat Farming Business

goat farmingGoats are very popular among Filipinos because they require low capital investment, fit the smallhold farm condition, and multiply fast. Culturally, goats are integral to every special occasion such as birthdays, baptisms, weddings, and fiestas. Hence, they command a higher price compared with other meats in the market.

Goats require low maintenance because they eat tree leaves, weeds, grasses, and agricultural by- products. They are not only a source of protein for Filipinos, but they also provide the much- needed income. In fact goats provide livelihood to about 15 million Filipinos across the country today.

As goat production requires low initial investment and small risks compared to other livestock species, it is thus an attractive undertaking among resource- poor families. Moreover, women and children can raise the species, making it a sound option to augment the country’s programs on livelihood.

At the moment, there is an increase in demand for goats. Although total goat inventory in the country is steadily increasing at 2% per year, still there is not enough supply to meet current demands. It is expected that this increased demand will last to 2020, the year when supply is projected to meet demand.

Considering these, goat production is indeed a promising venture and anyone interested to go into this business is expected to reap positive rewards.

How do I start my goat business?

To start a profitable goat business, one has to have the following production inputs:

For backyard operation:
a) Investment
– Goat house
– Breeding stock
b) Operating Expenses
– Veterinary Medicines
– Vaccines
– Concentrates
– Additional feed supplements

For commercial or large- scale operation
a) Fixed Investment
– Land
– Goat house
– Fences
– Pasture area
– Water pump
– Feeding trough
– Spade
– Wheelbarrow
– Ropes
b) Stocks
– Breeding does
– Breeding bucks
c) Operating Expenses
– Veterinary medicines, drugs and vaccines
– Feed supplements and goat rations
– Labor: fixed and seasonal
– Repair and Maintenance of goat house, fences, equipment, and pasture.

How much initial investment is needed and how much profit will I get?

Goat raising is highly profitable. With minimal initial capital investment of P67,250 for 25 doe level; P174,500 for 50 doe level; or P349,000 for 100 doe level, positive net income and return on investment (ROI) are realized, even as early as the first year. The ROI for 5 years is 67% from a 25 doe level operation semi-confinement scheme and 60% from 50- and 100- doe level operations under pure confinement system. Payback period is 2 years.

The projected income statement by the type of operation is plotted below:

25- doe level150- doe level2100- doe level2
Total Expenses for 5 years (P)373,262762,0021,524,004
Total Income for 5 years
(sale of stocks + stock inventory value (P)
Net Income for 5 years (P)250,489457,498914,996
ROI (%)676060

1Under semi- confinement scheme
2Under pure- confinement scheme
Note: Figures used in this material are based on 2006 data

Before investing on the enterprise, we advise to visit an actual goat farm near you.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Patricio S. Faylon
Executive Director
PCARRD, Los Banos, Laguna
Tel Nos: (049) 536-0014 to 20; 536-5907
Fax Nos: (049)536-0016 / 536-7922
Email: pcarrd@pcarrd.dost.gov.ph
Website: http://www.pcarrd.dost.gov.ph

Source and photo: dti.gov.ph

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